It's As Simple As Being Here In The Now

It's as simple as being here in the now. Period. Not flashy,
necessarily, yet oh so sweet and satisfying. So satisfying nothing else
is wanted, or needed. We often want "higher states" to be this simple
Presence. Sorry, there is no such thing as permanent higher states
where lotus blossoms bloom where you have walked, the angels bow, and
milk & honey is always available for your bowl of cherries. Just Be
Still. Be in the moment, as it is,wanting nothing different from what
is here now.

When PapaJi met Ramana Maharshi, he bragged that he could materialize
the Hindu God Krishna, and play with him. Ramana asked, "is Krishna
here now"? PapaJi said "no". Ramana said: "That which comes and goes is
not Real. Look for that which does not come and go". THAT is the prize.
This simple awareness that has always been here, been here through
happiness and sadness, through high and low. Unchanging. Our True

It is our egoic identity that wants things as they are not, that wants
things the way it thinks they should, or will, be. Accept and embrace
what is here now. It may take some back and forth burning, but if you
love This enough, you will always come back when you have strayed in
mind identification. Always come back home.
Just Being Here Now, in the present moment, is God aware of Itself in your earthly human body.

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