Thanks for your warm welcome Cullen. Meher Baba has helped me more than words can tell and I believe what he says with all of my heart, so I want to spread his message of love and truth as much as possible. Meher Baba dictated that "Now is the time f
"Everything simply happens, control is imagined. The only apparent choice in any moment is acceptance and to notice THAT which allows ALL - or to suffer ♥" ~ Karen Richards
"What power we possess.When you come to the realization that you can't make your life perfect but you can experience your life as a state of perfection, then you have touched truth.You can feel that the perfec
"Be like a rudderless ship on calm ocean with a full sail. Embrace the mystery that is life itself, content in the uncertainty of not knowing. An unseen guide directs your course, speaking to the heart through a steady and endless flow of inspiratio
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi via Melissa Pollard
"A man must die... that is, he must free himself from a thousand petty attachments and identifications. He is attached to everything in his life, attached to his imagination, attached to his stupidity, attached even to his sufferings, possibly to hi
"The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way, but it is simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being. It is a state of connectedness with something immeasurable and ind
"It is the need to be something, that keeps us from being what we truly are. It is the need to awaken, that keeps us from realizing, we are already awakened. Allow yourself to just BE without wanting to improve, heal or learn something more. You are
"Imagine this: close your eyes, try to describe your sense of self with no memory, like all you thought you were has been erased. Notice what remains. Can you describe THAT? Impossible right, as even language is learnt. And yet, you ARE." ~ Karen Ri
“Breathing in and out mindfully, I become fully present and fully alive, And I see myself as a miracle.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh via Cloud Cottage
"It takes a lot of work to live in avoidance of some experiences and to push through life to get to some others. There is another way...the way of Presence." ~ Neelam
"The small man builds cages for everyone he knows. While the sage, who has to duck his head when the moon is low, Keeps dropping keys all night long for the beautiful, rowdy prisoners." ~ Hafiz via Tyler Kaveen Hutchison
Love is asleep in us. Help your neighbors in need. And be still. Then look with Love into every set of eyes you meet, and you will see Love looking back.
"If I go into the place in myself that is love and you go into the place in yourself that is love, we are together in love. Then you and I are truly in love, the state of being love. That's the entrance to Oneness." ~ Ram Dass
"You and I are the same. What I have done is surely possible for all. You are the Self now and can never be anything else. Throw your worries to the wind, turn within and find Peace...." Ramana Maharshi
"Question: How long does it take to reach mukti (liberation)? Answer: Mukti is not to be gained in the future. It is there forever, here and now." ~ Ramana Maharshi
"We all have weeds in our spiritual gardens. It's important not to get too judgmental, heavy, and overly distressed regarding out negative traits; they're part of our human nature. If we notice weeds we replace them with flowers of truth, and shower
"Thinking and consciousness are not synonymous. Thinking is only a small aspect of consciousness. Thought cannot exist without consciousness, but consciousness does not need thought." ~Eckhart Tolle via Iam Neti