Asheville Sanghai is a small members-only (however, you can invite anyone) community devoted to self-realization. Trey Carland started the community (Trey runs the Eckhart Tolle study group, among other things). Cullen posts email announcements and such here that he also distributes via his email dist. list as well as lends his words. It is an announcement and meeting place run by this free community software "Ning", that allows members to contribute postings (I am active with postings); add music, add, video, etc. The interface is good (not perfect), but for free, we all hack around and do a fairly good job of reaching out and sharing ... I believe Asheville Sanghai is, or will soon become international and there will be spin-offs, perhaps entirely separate instances of the Ning software for specific / specialty purposes ...
Your "About Me" is such a good title for a poem, book, song ...
Your "About Me" is such a good title for a poem, book, song ...