Hi Sue! I tried calling you a bit ago....got a message on your phone that your box is FULL...so I couldn't leave a message!!! :-( PLEASE give me a call when you can! Would love to talk to you!!! :-) Hope that all is OK with you!!!
YES...let's talk soon! OK, so you don't have texting...what cell company are you with???? Tomorrow my daughter will be here from IL for a week...so let's talk after that, ok???? I would still love to come to Ashville again sometime! :-)
Have a great day!!!
Love ya, Deb
PS I tried to send this in reply to yours, but it wouldn't go!!! ;-)
Hi Sue!!! :-) Thank you so much for adding me as a friend here!!! I did receive your call back to me after I had called you on the phone...just haven't gotten around to calling you back...although I did send you two text messages. Did you get them???? What cell company did you say you have...or did I even ask??? ;-) YES, I would love to talk to you....definitely want to keep in touch!
I think I'm going to have to cancel the group meeting. We're currently snowed in with about 10 inches of snow on our steep driveway (we live out in Candler at the base of Mt. Pisgah). Weather permitting the next meeting will be on Wednesday the 26th. Hope to see you there.
hi sue, sorry i missed ur call, trying to get in touch, lookin at end of july. hope ur well! drew
i'm trying to sched something in july, i don't have your number anymore, can you email it, or call me. talk to you soon. love to you..drew
hey sue, hope all is well w/ you! maybe comin to asheville in a couple months, would like to see you! drew
Hi Sue! I tried calling you a bit ago....got a message on your phone that your box is FULL...so I couldn't leave a message!!! :-( PLEASE give me a call when you can! Would love to talk to you!!! :-) Hope that all is OK with you!!!
Love ya,
Hey Sue!!! :-)
YES...let's talk soon! OK, so you don't have texting...what cell company are you with???? Tomorrow my daughter will be here from IL for a week...so let's talk after that, ok???? I would still love to come to Ashville again sometime! :-)
Have a great day!!!
Love ya,
PS I tried to send this in reply to yours, but it wouldn't go!!! ;-)
Hi Sue!!! :-) Thank you so much for adding me as a friend here!!! I did receive your call back to me after I had called you on the phone...just haven't gotten around to calling you back...although I did send you two text messages. Did you get them???? What cell company did you say you have...or did I even ask??? ;-) YES, I would love to talk to you....definitely want to keep in touch!
Love you,
Hey Sue,
I think I'm going to have to cancel the group meeting. We're currently snowed in with about 10 inches of snow on our steep driveway (we live out in Candler at the base of Mt. Pisgah). Weather permitting the next meeting will be on Wednesday the 26th. Hope to see you there.
Hey Sue,
Welcome to the group. Hope to see you at a future group meeting.