Marina, I am drawn to Tolle, Buddhist Psychology and presence awareness work, the most recent of which is Dynamic Oneness . Two books by another Michael, Michael Brown, The Presence Process and The Alchemy of the Heart are profound follow-ups to Tolle and encouraged me to quicken my downloading and work to embody authenticity. I moved from Savannah, GA to Asheville in July 2008, to be near a geocenter for awakening transformation. This and many other choices are part of following the Heart. Glad to show you around greater Asheville if you make the trek up here. The house where I am housemate has a guest room that could support your visit, as it has others - and I consider this house a Heart Centered Oasis on God's Caravan of love ;-).
Within every challenge are the seeds of opoortunity.
We must be willing to let go of the life that we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. (Joseph Campbell)
Cheers - Howard
Cheers, Howard
How did you come to discover Asheville Sangha?