You are invited to the 2013 Asheville Area Fall Coptic Conference on Saturday, October 26, at Blue Ridge Community College in Flat Rock, NC. As usual, this is a free will offering event. Gary Renard, author of The Disappearance of the Universe, and Peter Woodbury from the Edgar Cayce A.R.E in Virginia Beach will be two of our featured speakers.
Please email me at to get the entire conference flyer for detailed information. If you have any questions, or would like to register for the conference, please call either of the phone numbers below.
Below is a brief description of the schedule for the day:
Saturday, October 26
8:00 Registration – Bookstore & Service Sign-ups
8:30 Welcome & Announcements
8:35 Opening – Janis Campbell with Music by Cindy Renard and Richard Shulman
8:45 John Davis – Secrets of the Great Pyramid
9:30 Denise Iwaniw – The Sacred Journey Called Life
10:15 Break, Bookstore & Service Sign-ups
10:30 Music – Cindy Renard and Richard Shulman
10:45 Peter Woodbury – Be the Light the World Needs You to Be
12:15 Lunch, Bookstore & Service Sign-ups
1:30 Jim Campbell – Using the Light Prayer
2:15 Sandra Harrick – Let Your Light Shine - With Love and Insight You Become Your
Authentic Self
3:15 Break & Bookstore
3:30 Music – Cindy Renard and Richard Shulman
3:45 Gary Renard - The Light That Shines Beyond
5:15 Closing Ceremony with a Group Soul Musical Portrait by Richard Shulman
Hope that you can join us for this wonderful day!
Lori France – 828-684-9658
Ron Prickett – 828-684-4422 (after 6 p.m. weekdays)