• Jun 4, 2013 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
  • Location: 150 E. Chestnut St #1
  • Latest Activity: Jul 15


How do you know that your spiritual or awareness practice is not simply conditioning you further into being bounded by subtle conceptuality? On the other hand, can we really simply declare the end of the search and not practice any longer? The answer to these two questions is learning the art of practicing no practice. You are invited to come learn this powerful way to stabilize open awareness in an innovative 8 week course.

Can you stand as awareness when intense of difficult things come up in your life or do you easily become identified with these responses to life challenges? When this happens, do you wonder where awareness went? Do you find yourself thinking you need to regained something that is lost?

In this 8 week course we will learn:

♦ To support and hold presence and empathy for different parts of ourselves that emerge and learn to support others in doing so.

♦ Experientially sharpen the skills of presencing unconditioned awareness when we are intensely identified with some thought, feeling, belief or story.

♦ To discover experientially what it means to be dis-identified from our conditioning and get a felt sense of effortless being.

A dynamic safe group format supports efficiency in connecting deep to the parts of us that hold core unconscious desires, beliefs and stories that long for presence, empathy and compassion. Come experience what I call the effortless self-corrections that occur when unconditioned awareness washes over the deeply conditioned aspects of ourselves.

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  • HI Trey,

    The cost is $325. Includes 8 two hour group sessions, a one hour private session with me, and a book. Warmly, Jerry

  • Hey Jerry,

    How much does the course cost?


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