Your hearts desires are not accidental, selfish, or manipulative.
They are the seeds for creating a far more beautiful world.
They are the seeds for creating a far more beautiful world.
But you need to be fearless to discover what is possible.....
8 weeks this summer online - worldwide Join us: July 6–Aug 24, 2015 Reclaim desire. Re-engage your passionate core to create a far more beautiful world. Get up close and personal with your core belief structures and habitual patterns that are keeping you stuck.Discover themiracle of effortless opportunity that is always available to you. Learn how to engage and shine in the face of fear (even paralyzing fear!). Build a simple and repeatable map for jumping into the unknown. RSVP here for your spot:A Course in Fearlessness, summer 2015 Space is limited, register now to hold your seat! |