Dr. Quinton Wacks will be leading a weekend retreat entitled: “Ageing to Sage-ing: Spirituality for Our Mature Years.” This program is for all those who are elderly, who work with elders, AND for those who will be elders some day. As we live longer, the question arises: “How to fully experience and enjoy the last third of our lives?”

In the mornings of our lives we were students, then we became householders, now in the afternoon and evenings of our lives, we must seek new understanding and wisdom in order to better know and receive what is required for us to teach and serve in this new period of our lives.

Spirituality Eldering

This course is for baby boomers (1946 – 1964) and beyond (pre-1946) who are ready to explore meaning, purpose, and spirituality for the second half and last third of life. Rather than avoiding our maturity, we’ll learn ways to embrace the unique possibilities that currently beacon to us in order to utilize and transform the challenges, struggles, and opportunities of our adult and senior years.

We’ll do this through the practices of “Spiritual Eldering,” conscious living, and the deep need for personal and spiritual growth and expanded consciousness in the second half of life. This program will be highly interactive.

Dr. Wacks encourages participants to read “From Age-ing to Sage-ing” by Rabbi Schachter-Shalomi prior to the retreat.

About Dr. Quinton Wacks

About the Retreat Leader: Dr. Quinton Wacks, retired Professor of Psychology and Gerontology, Lincoln Memorial University and a Certified Sage-ing Leader (CSL). He has taught and led classes and groups for the UTK Adult & Continuing Education Program, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and the Elderhostel/Road Scholar Program. He served as guest editor of the [only] special issue of the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology on “transpersonal gerontology” and as author of the lead article, “The Elder as Sage, Old Age as Spiritual Path: Towards a Transpersonal Gerontology”.

Qualifications of Dr. Quinton Wacks

Certified Spiritual Director (Haden Institute), Certified Spiritual Guidance Counselor  (American Center for Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences), Certified Sage-ing Leader (Sage-ing International), Doctoral studies in Counseling Psychology, Adult and Continuing Education, Masters studies in Counseling Psychology and Adult and Higher Education, Graduate Certificate in Gerontology.

Retreat Registration

To Register for this Aging to Saging Retreat:
Quinton Wacks Retreat – Registration Form.

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