You are invited to participate in our next Asheville Area Coptic Conference at Blue Ridge Community College in Flat Rock, NC, on Saturday, October 4. Click on the link below for more information about the presenters, John Davis (Director of the Coptic Fellowship), Gisela Kroeger Hoffman (daughter of medical intuitive, Hanna Kroeger), Peter Woodbury (from the Edgar Cayce Association in Virginia Beach), Scott Grace (the Spiritual Dr. Seuss), and Barbara Marciniak (trance channel and author of several books on the work of the Pleiadians).
Included here is a quick look at Saturday’s schedule:
Saturday, October 4
8:00 Registration – Bookstore & Service Sign-ups
8:30 Musical Welcome
8:45 Announcements and Opening
9:00 John Davis – Return to Universal Consciousness
9:30 Gisela Kroeger Hoffman – Using the Principles of Dowsing in Modern Medicine
10:30 Break, Bookstore & Service Sign-ups
10:45 Music – Terry Wetton and Richard Shulman
11:00 Peter Woodbury – Preparing for the Shift - Igniting the Light Within
12:15 Lunch, Bookstore & Service Sign-ups
1:30 Scott Grace – Lightening Up in the Age of Light
2:30 Musical Soul Portrait - Richard Shulman
2:45 Break & Bookstore
3:00 Music – Terry Wetton
3:15 Barbara Marciniak - Initiation into Higher Consciousness -
The Changeover Years 2013 - 2027
5:15 Closing Ceremony with Scott Grace
You can call or email to register. Call Lori France at 828-676-2977 or Ron Prickett at 828-684-4422 or email Please provide your address and phone number. In the brochure, you will also find information about personal service consultants who will mostly be available on both Friday, October 3, and Saturday, October 4. You can sign up for services in advance until September 24.