Dear Asheville Sangha Members,

It’s time once again for our annual fundraising event.  Each year we solicit donations to help cover the cost of the web hosting and related fees for the Asheville Sangha web site, which amounts to nearly $300 annually.  I started the site a few years ago and, with the help of members like Cullen Anderson, it has grown to almost 500 members now.  The events calendar has become an invaluable way to promote area events, and there are a number of people using the site to post blogs, pictures and videos.  It has definitely surpassed what I thought it could be, and I thank each one of you for being a part of the community.

I have created a few ways you can help contribute to the cost of keeping the site running.  First and foremost, the simplest way for you to help is by a basic Pay Pal donation.  All you have to do is use the Donate button and pick any amount you feel comfortable in donating.  It’s quick and easy.

[Please visit the official event page at to visit the donate button mentioned above.]

Secondly, I have created a Café Press store just for fun.  It has several bumper stickers and t-shirts to choose from.  If you don’t see a design you would like, just let me know and I’ll customize something for you.

Thirdly, if you would like to purchase one of my books, “A Seeker’s Guide to Inner Peace,” I will donate the proceeds to the cost of the site as well.  Simply use the Pay Pal link to add a copy to your cart.

[Please visit the official event page at to visit the Pay Pal links mentioned above.]

You may also make donations by check.  Just make them out to Trey Carland and mail them to me at PO Box 670, Candler, NC 28715.  I am grateful for all of the help you have to offer.

I have some more plans in mind for the site in the coming year, and I welcome any feedback you might have for the site.

In peace and gratitude,


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  • I am giving $50. Please contribute what you can.

  • Hey Chris, That's a good idea.  I'll see if I can work something out.

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