• May 4, 2018 at 4:00pm to May 6, 2018 at 1:00pm
  • Location: Well Being Retreat Center
  • Latest Activity: Jul 15

Well Being Retreat Center is offering a two-night Weekend Retreat entitled “Attuning to Flow” led by Don Oakley, the author of "It's Time to Wake Up Now: The Top Ten Myths that Can Hijack Spiritual Awakening," a five star rated book on Amazon, and by Patty Bottari, a Director of Well Being Foundation and longtime employee and student of both Adyashanti and Byron Katie.

​Retreat Life is movement. Always changing. We can resist that impermanence. Or we can enjoy the ride. We can insist that we know what is right, what should happen and how the world should be. Or we can notice how things are and learn to live Life fully in harmony with the ever-changing palette that is presented. (We have a choice.) 

This retreat is a non-denominational opportunity to explore one’s own true nature – free from the everyday distractions and busyness of our lives. The weekend will include silent sittings in the serenity of our meeting room or down by the river, some guided meditation, structured sharing and a guided inquiry talk by Don Oakley on Saturday morning entitled “Attuning to Flow.“ . All activities during the weekend are voluntary, of course, and all inquiry will be experientially grounded.

There is no charge for the retreat, but we ask that you bring and prepare one meal. Depending on the number of people attending, two or three people may be responsible for a supper or a breakfast, for example. (We expect that 16 – 24 people may attend.) In this way, you will have an opportunity to experience serving and being served. You will also be asked to help with kitchen clean-up for one or two of the meals – usually a 20 or 30 minute endeavor. You may be surprised to find that these “yogi chores” can create a sense of community and surprisingly deep friendships even during a brief weekend retreat.

There is no charge for the retreat or for staying in the comfortable cabins. However, a tax-deductible donation to Well Being Foundation while at the retreat or afterwards will allow us to further this work of offering a venue for exploring our deepest nature. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Community Acupuncture will be offered at this retreat.

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