This group is dedicated to the growing number of people interested in Awakening to their true nature, beyond words and forms. Through meditation and discussion, we explore the experience of simply Being. Topics typically explored include:

Building Present Moment Awareness
Allowing What Is
Surrendering Control
The Work of Byron Katie
Teachings of Eckhart Tolle (and others)

We often discuss the ways in which we feel stuck, and talk about ways we can turn seeming impediments into opportunities for growth.  This group also allows space for deep sharing, as well as providing an excellent forum for those who are just curious about this thing called Enlightenment.

The group meets in Asheville, on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month from 7:00 to 9:00 pm

Each meeting will start off with a little getting to know you time, followed by a guided meditation, then on to some Eckhart Tolle audio and discussion.  I will bring my own quotes and pointers to share with everyone, and I encourage you to bring your own favorite quotes, personal writings, questions, etc.

If you are reading these words, then you are a beacon of light for other wayward travelers.  In my experience, it's helpful for fellow beacons to come together periodically to help strengthen their own light.  So make a point to come to the meeting and just share space if nothing else.  No prior knowledge of any spiritual teaching is required (and in some cases that's preferable ;)

Donations of any amount are welcomed, but no one will be turned away due to lack of money.

About the Facilitator

Trey Carland, author of “A Seeker’s Guide to Inner Peace: Notes to Self,” started the Awakening Practices Group in 2007 as an Eckhart Tolle meet up group.  It has been gradually evolving to focus more on the group discussion side of Spiritual Awakening.  We also examine practical forms of meditation and the integration of pointers in our daily lives.  People want to interact and share with other like-minded people now more than ever.

My aim has always been the same, which is to expose as many people as possible to the potential to awaken to what they truly are, but my approach has evolved over the years.  As a facilitator, I try not to act as a teacher, but I do offer support if it is requested.  I share my own experiences from my personal life, and how I have dealt with difficult situations using the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie and others.  I am very open to sharing my insights and realizations when they seem like they may help someone, but I do not claim to be an enlightened spiritual teacher.  Instead, I like to point out that we are all spiritual teachers in that we are perfect reflections of one another.  I get as much from a group meeting as anyone else because I'm able to meet myself through another.

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