Join Bentinho and friends for a retreat in nearby Flat Rock. August 4 –11: (8 Day, 7 Night Retreat!) – Flat Rock, North Carolina, USA
On Sunday, August 4th, we will start the retreat with an introductory session from 7 – 9 PM. On Sunday the 11th of August, we will have a last session in the morning. Check out is at 11AM.
We will be available to greet you and sign you into your room all day Sunday, August 4th. There will be a community vegetarian dinner at 5:30 for everyone who arrives by that time.
Event fee: $385
Food fee: $200 (includes three vegetarian meals per day)
Housing fee: $300-$500 (for seven nights; price depends on selected option – see below)
The event and food fee ($585 total) can be made out to Free Awareness LLC and sent to Lisa Rappat email:
More details can be seen at:
Please use this to see the info on Bentinho's website (fees, lodging, payment options, registration, and directions to Highland Lake in Flatrock): I hope to see many of you there! I'll be on site and also offering a Writing from the Heart™ session. ♥ Amana