"This Event will be devoted to exploring deeply into the Nature of our Existence.

"If a long lost aunt gave you a million dollars in her will, but you didn't know of her gift, it wouldn't do you much good. Your True Nature is like that. The gift has already been given, but we may not be aware of it. It is good news indeed that we don't have to earn the gift or be worthy of it. We simply need to recognize the gift that has already been given. The tricky part is that it's hard to recognize something if we are looking in the wrong direction. This weekend will be devoted to recognizing your inheritance."

The retreat will begin with check-in on Friday afternoon July 12th and will end after lunch on Sunday July 14th. Sessions will be held in the Main Conference Building. Well Being will provide supper on Friday evening upon arrival and lunch on Sunday to end the retreat. We will also provide coffee, teas and snacks during the retreat. Please plan to bring and prepare food for your other meals. All cabins have kitchenettes. Cost $195 per person.

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