Well Being Retreat Center is offering a 2-night Weekend Retreat led by Don Oakley, author of "It's Time to Wake Up Now: The Top Ten Myths that Can Hijack Spiritual Awakening," a five star rated book on Amazon, and by Patty Bottari, a Director of Well Being Foundation and longtime employee and student of both Adyashanti and Byron Katie.

"Most people have two things happening most of the time: what they do and what they think about what they are doing. We feel any discrepancy between these two functions as self-judgment, guilt, shame, regret, despair, envy, anxiety or lack of self-will. Such feelings can then propagate more self-judgment, etc. So how do we extract ourselves from this loop? How can we get out of our own way and function authentically."

This Event will be devoted to exploring deeply into the Nature of our Existence.

There is a $195 Registration Fee for this event.  This fee covers tuition, your lodging, housekeeping, Friday supper and Sunday lunch as well as drinks and snacks. You will be responsible for your remaining meals which can be prepared in the cabin kitchenettes. 

To register click here

For more information on other upcoming retreats click here

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