Jim Newman, an uncompromising non-duality speaker, will be returning to Asheville for another weekend retreat in September.

Here is a quote from Jim's website to give you a taste of what might be shared at one of Jim's meetings.

"The meetings - online & in person - share a message of freedom. There is a simple pointing to WHAT IS as already free, all-inclusive, not two, only new."

"Jim Newmans NON-DUALITY meetings share a mystery, a paradox. The paradox is that THIS, this appearance, isn't what it appears to be. It is and it isn't. It's no-thing being something. It's emptiness appearing as everything. It's unified appearing as divided or separated." 


The meetings will be held on Friday Saturday and Sunday at the below listed times:

Friday: 8:00-9:30 PM • $20

Saturday: 2:00 to 6:00 PM • $60

Sunday: 2:00 to 6:00 PM • $60

Whole weekend $120

For more information and reservation information, please email TreyCarland@gmail.com.

The event will be held in the 6th grade classroom located at 60 State Street in Asheville.

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  • Rainbow Mountain School has a couple of different buildings. The building we will be in is located behind their main location on Haywood road. The 60 State Street address will put you in the right spot for the event. I would probably recommend coming on Saturday if you have the ability to only attend one day. Feel free to email me if you have further questions. Hope to see you there :-)

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