We are pleased to announce that Katie Davis and Sundance Burke will be in Asheville for Satsang. June 1st at Lighten Up Yoga, 7pm-9pm. Then an intensive both Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 4pm.  A special price of $135 is offered for all 3 days. Attending all 3 days is recommended. In addition, a reduced rate for private sessions on Monday June 4th are included with the special all event pass.

Please pre-register at http://www.katiedavis.org/schedule.html

"Who are you really at the core of being beyond thought, emotion and form? Who or what is here now and is ever present? In this compelling inquiry and radical realization, how is the life situation transformed?" ~ Katie Davis

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  • So sorry to miss this! Santa Fe calls... Back on June 10th. Have a beautiful experience together ♥ Amana

  • Yay :)

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