• Apr 4, 2017 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: Om Sanctuary
  • Latest Activity: Jul 15

What? Life Together invites you to experience Deep Wisdom Listening Satsang with Laurie Berry Clifford


Where? At OM Sanctuary, 87 Richmond Hill Drive, 28806


When? Held weekly on Tuesday nights from 7:00 to 9:00


Who? You and your friends are invited!


How? Park behind the Oshun Renewal Center and come in through the main entrance to the RiverCane Room. Take off your shoes, turn off your cell, and enter in silence. Folding chairs, cushions and back jacks are provided. You also are welcome to bring your own.


Laurie Berry Clifford moves from an understanding that humans are triune beings. They are made up of three parts: the body, the story and the true Self. Her initials, LBC, bring three attributes of the One to mind: Love, Beauty and Compassion.


Rooted in the timeless, LBC gives Satsang that flows in the following order: fifteen-minute silent sitting, guided meditation, group reflection, short break, teaching, closing circle and group blessing. Proceeds from her donation basket help support charities dear to her heart


LBC’s taglines are that of “mystic, mother, nondual teacher, mentor, hypnotherapist, writer, singer-songwriter, retreat leader, speaker, publisher, owner-operator of Waking Dreams Retreat in West Asheville, team leader of Life Together at Jubilee, and member of the OM Sanctuary Collective.”        


You can contact LBC through her website at LaurieBerryClifford.com and/or via her Facebook and Asheville Sangha pages.


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