• Mar 8, 2013 at 7:00pm to Mar 10, 2013 at 5:30pm
  • Location: email Alice @ tigrclause@mindspring.com
  • Latest Activity: Jul 15

A Weekend with Scott Kiloby. NOTE VENUE CHANGE.

Registration: www.scottkilobytalks.com

Friday, Mar. 8:  7:00-9:00 PM 

Saturday, Mar. 9:  9:00 AM - 5:00 PM  (1.5 hr. Lunch Break)

Sunday, Mar. 10:  1:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Scott Kiloby is reaching out to all people who are suffering or seeking or cannot seem to find fulfillment in this life no matter where they go or what they do. He is communicating to them that freedom is available and that it is actually contained in their very presence, yet it is overlooked. The benefits of recognizing presence are living with a mind that is at peace, a heart full of love and compassion for others, and the end of looking for happiness outside ourselves.
In this weekent event, every position and belief gets challenged, including every belief about the self, others, the world and all of our ideas about spirituality. This leaves those attending completely open to allow the present moment to unfold in a new way, free of identification with thought and secure in an unshakable peace, clarity, and freedom.  The intention is to allow each person attending to go home and discover for themselves the freedom Scott’s message is pointing to. The live meetings are spontaneous, open, and unpredictable. You never know what is going to pop up.
Come and find out what we’re talking about!
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  • NOTE VENUE CHANGE. Retreat will be held at a private residence with a capacity of 20 participants. If you plan to attend, register now with Alice. her email:


  • I am driving to Durham Friday March 8th at 12 noon. If someone would like to ride, I have room for 3 passengers. Also, if you plan to attend this event, please pre-register and pay ahead of time so they an idea of how many are coming and can pay for Scott's plane ticket. Register here:


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