We're looking for a few authors from the Asheville/Western North Carolina area who have written books on awakening/enlightenment/self-realization, or similar topics. If you have written/published such a book, and would be interested in a book signing/reading, please email me to let me know (trey@quedox.com). We only have two openings left.

Much love,


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  • Hi Trey:

    I have a book due for publication in September called: "Kriya Yoga - Continuing the Lineage of Enlightenment"  I may be able to get some advanced copies before then.  I see the event goes  from August 1st-August 15th.    What are the specific dates and times? 

  • I hope you'll consider my book "Love, Light & Business: Business Anatomy for Holistic Healers". It might be just the kind you are looking for.  It contains a lot of content about spirituality being applied in daily business life.  Much of it is about walking your talk and living your spirituality via harmonious action.  www.lovelightandbusiness.com

    It's available at Malaprops and Grateful Steps Bookstores.

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