• Mar 5, 2013 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: Barbara's house
  • Latest Activity: Jul 15

"Lost In A Mind Field"

Join John Mark Stroud and friends for a "The Way Of Mastery" Tuesday March 5th at 7:00pm

Ever feel lost in your mind like it is a maze with no exit? I can relate, I often felt that way too. In my frustration I asked Jesus to help me understand more of what was going on in my mind.  I could see the ego was using the mind to keep me running in cirlces. In response to that prayer, he shared with me a map of the mind! This map brought me so much clarity. It helped me understand the dynamics of how the ego played many of its tricks on me. Armed with the map, I was empowered to dive ever deeper into my mind where the dream of separation could truly be undone.

It is always wise to have a map and a guide when going somewhere you have never been, especially deep into your infinite mind.

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