Trey Carland has been hosting group meetings designed to support those on an Awakening path since 2007. He has written two books on his journey (A Seeker's Guide to Inner Peace: Notes to Self and Finding Peace Everywhere: How Presence, Surrender and Inquiry Changed My Life) and enjoys sharing insights with others who are interested in non-duality and awakening.

Due to an increasingly busy schedule, Trey has taken a break from hosting regular group meetings. However, anyone who is interested in exploring the ideas surrounding non-duality are welcome to contact him directly to discuss or ask questions.

"The end of seeking is what is sought by the seeker, but the seeker is an illusion and can't bring about the end of seeking. However, it seems that the seeking energy relaxes when the core message of non-duality is heard. As seeking begins to fade, it can be replaced with a sense of freedom. A freedom that reveals the creativity, acceptance and peace that are hidden by the act of seeking for it. The beliefs in being separate can begin to loosen, leaving room for the recognition that all there is is unconditional love appearing as everything." - Trey

Please email Trey if you would like to explore the deeper meaning of non-duality -

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