The Ever Effulgent Heart ~ Weekend Intensive

Join Ash Ruiz and our own Amana for a weekend intensive June 28th Saturday 11:00am to 6:00pm & June 29th Sunday 11:00am to 5:00pm. Where ~ A Beautiful Private Residence in Asheville, NC (Details will be shared once one registers).

Contact Amana @828-277-3936 or 777-0369. Email:


These two days will consist of dharma talks with Ash followed by Q&A, group exercises, experiential playshop moments, spontaneous dancing, a silent presence walk in the woods and Amana "Aile" Shebars powerful writing process called "Writing from the Heart".

** hour long lunch break for each day. Bring a picnic lunch or enjoy the nearby local cuisine.

Investment ~ $130.00 for both days or $80.00 for one day

* * * * * If purchased before the 21st you receive a complimentary 30 min private session with Ash (In person, Skype or Phone depending on time or location) * * * * *


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  • This event has been postponed until the Spring Equinox... 2015. We'll be back in touch before then!! Thanks everyone!! ♥

  • To see more about this intensive, now being held October 25-26, if you are on FB the event listing is here, and thank you for your support!

  • We are excited to share this with you all, and it won't be this coming weekend; the intensive has been postponed until October 25 - 26. Please join us then and sorry for any inconvenience. ♥

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