• Mar 3, 2013 from 10:00am to 5:00pm
  • Location: Carolina Mountain Home (Cullen's house)
  • Latest Activity: Jul 15

Join Krishna and friends for an all day Sunday Satsang retreat at Carolina Mountain Home, Cullen's house. Sunday March 3rd from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Please bring food to share at lunchtime. Call if you need directions: 216-7051.

Self-inquiry, the inquiry into what is, unravels oneself suddenly into the wondrous heart of being. Freedom is the clear recognition and living abidance as primodial luminous awareness, is only ever right here, in this instant. In this open availability, it is clear that we only are what we always already are, and there is nothing that can add on or diminish basic awareness.

Since very young, Krishna has been on fire with the love of freedom, of being truly alive, of enquiring into and experientially discovering and living what is real, beyond thought, mind, dogmas, and beliefs. He was impacted by his contact with those who would communicate directly from living realization, namely Krishnamurti and Jean Klein.  Upon meeting Papaji (H.W.L. Poonja), the obviousness of ever-present awareness became self-evident and in the forefront, and he started holding satsang gatherings at Papaji's request.

$50 requested, but please give what you can afford. No one turned away for lack of funds.

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