• Apr 26, 2021 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm
  • Location: ONLINE VIA ZOOM
  • Latest Activity: Jul 15

• Learn that the so-called 'monkey mind' is actually a healthy mind seeking fulfillment

 • Effective meditation doesn't control the mind but satisfies the mind
 • The three major categories of meditation and their brain wave signatures

 • Dr. Fred Travis is one of the world’s most respected and highly published researchers in the area of meditation and the brain. He is director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition in Fairfield, Iowa.His groundbreaking book, "World-Class Brain: The Edge That Helps Peak Performers Succeed And How You Can Develop It," describes how greater "brain integration” (increased brain connectivity and coherence) improves focus, memory, creativity, decision making, and behavior, and how meditation can develop a higher state of brain health. In this online talk, he will discuss the three major forms of meditation and how they each affect the brain in different ways, and will present the latest scientific knowledge about meditation, brain health, and higher stages of human development. 

• ZOOM LINK: https://mgcwp.zoom.us/j/91848764756?pwd=MzBMY3piMWlSazlDWHk4RytMV3ZkQT09

Email MeditationAsheville@TM.org or call 828-254-4350 for more info.

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