Dearest Sangha,
What comes and goes is not our true nature. What is always here and does not come and go this is our home.
My Beloved You are presence in each and every moment alive and free. Every thought and action that arises is sacred, inviting you to remain here in tenderness, this abiding heart, in this ocean.
My Beloved I bow to you in service to this.
Love, Alaya
To make a donation more accessible for everyone we have added a link here in this email and it will also appear in the Chat room during the meeting. Suggested donation is $15-$20
Click to join the Zoom Satsang.
Upcoming events:
Thursday Feb 13th In-person Satsang 7:00m-8:30pm at Well Spring Wellness Center, Asheville NC
Sunday Feb 16th Zoom meeting 1pm -2:30pm EST
March 27th-March 30th 2025 "A Sacred Hug" a 3 night in-person retreat with Alaya and Corrine at The Wellbeing Center Tazwell Tn
For details visit: