• Nov 21, 2020 from 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Location: Well Being Retreat Center
  • Latest Activity: Jul 15

"Happiness is our natural state. It takes considerable effort to make ourselves unhappy. Perhaps, you sometimes find yourself in a state of unhappiness without knowing exactly why or how you got there - a haphazard process at best. This in-person, day-long retreat will shed light on the top ten most common and effective ways we make ourselves unhappy."

Well Being Retreat Center is offering a day-long retreat entitled "The Top Ten Ways to Make Yourself UNhappy” led by Don Oakley, the author of "It's Time to Wake Up Now: The Top Ten Myths that Can Hijack Spiritual Awakening," a five star rated book on Amazon, and by Patty Bottari, a Director of Well Being Foundation and longtime employee and student of both Adyashanti and Byron Katie. Many of Don's talks may be found on his YouTube Channel.

The Program: Except for lunchtime, the one-day retreat will be held in silence. Don will give a guided meditation and an extemporaneous talk in the morning. There will be an opportunity to ask question in the afternoon and a sharing session to close. There will also be several silent sitting sessions during the day. All sessions are, of course, optional and there will be time after lunch to meet others, sit by the river or walk the land.

Outdoor Meeting Location: The sessions will all be in the open air Powell River Pavilion on the bank of the river. There are overhead fans and plenty of area for socially distanced seating. The outdoor setting was chosen because nearly all COVID infections have been traced to indoor settings. Nonetheless, we will ask everyone to maintain social distancing during the event. We now have electric plug-in stadium blankets and electric foot warmer pads for everyone. 

Cost: We are requesting a $40 registration fee to attend this event. Please pre-register since will restrict the number of people attending. The registration form is here.

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