Well Being Retreat Center is offering a weekend retreat entitled “Discovering Our Essential Nature” led by Don Oakley, the author of "It's Time to Wake Up Now: The Top Ten Myths that Can Hijack Spiritual Awakening," a five star rated book on Amazon.  

There is those parts of ourselves that we wear for particular occasions such as when we are relaxing with good friends, when we are at work, when we are trying to get a date, or when we are applying for a bank loan. Persona is the old Greek word for the masks that actors would wear in plays. Even when we are speaking to ourselves, our personas can vary from minute to minute. We can be the critical self, the prideful self, the victim, the consoler, the nice person, etc., etc. But what is our true self? Who are we really? When all the masks come off.

When we are ready, it is time to discover our Essential Nature. The good news is that our Essential Nature is already open, is already loving, is already fearless, is already at peace, Fortunately, we don't have to attain these loft virtues, we only need to discover that which is already present. 

There will be a $40 "Housekeeping Fee" for this retreat and we ask that you bring and prepare one meal. There is no charge for housing which will be on a first come first serve basis. Depending on the number of people attending, two or three people may be responsible for a supper or a breakfast, for example. (We expect that 20-30 people may attend.) In this way, you will have an opportunity to experience serving and being served. You will also be asked to help with kitchen clean-up for one or two of the meals – usually a 20 or 30 minute endeavor. You may be surprised to find that these “yogi chores” can create a sense of community and surprisingly deep friendships.

Even if you've never cooked for a larger group before, please do not let this prevent you from coming. You can team up with someone who likes to cook or just jump in and risk it! It always seems to work out beautifully. Talk to Patty if you have questions or need help in this regard.

More information and to register click here. 

Registration closes on Thursday February 21.

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