• Sep 15, 2012 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm
  • Location: Town and Mountain Training Center
  • Latest Activity: Jul 15
"A writer lives, at least, in a state of astonishment. Beneath any feeling he has of the good or evil of the world lies a deeper one of wonder at it all. To transmit that feeling, he writes."  ~ William Sansom ~

Allow the magic of the dark time of the Moon to start or rekindle your writing life, your connection with the wonder at it all...
Aile Shebar, MS, is a published author, poet, editor and compassionate writing coach, with many years of teaching her signature process: Writing from the Heart™ ~ a direct experiential and meditative workshop based in part on Natalie Goldberg’s mentoring (Writing Down the Bones), in part on her own spiritual journey, and on encouragement from H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji).

Aile provides a safe and supportive writing soil in which to grow your story, poem, memoir or other seeds; encouragement for the blooms that appear, and pruning shears for what is not alive or blossoming.

Whether you are just discovering the urge to share your writing voice with others, or have stalled for some reason on a project, Writing from the Heart™ can help. And if you are not a writer but are looking for a deepening of your meditative moments, there is Writing Practice to help access what your heart wants to reveal to you in the silence. This will 'incendentally' spark your creative potential, even if the audience that benefits is you alone.

For more information about the process and the workshop content, please message Amana Aile here on Asheville Sangha.

$35 for the four hour in-depth writing workshop. If you need financial assistance, please contact Amana here.

We are working toward live-streaming technology for this class or possible Skype interaction. If you are interested in this, stay tuned for more information and RSVP here so I can send you updates.

As always, thank you for your support ♥
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