UPDATE OCT 15th: "I very much want to meet people from the Asheville area and to this end am offerign 4 places at cost, instead of $395: $120. ~ Angela

Angela Halvorsen Bogo facilitates the "Path Of The Fool" retreat Friday Oct 23th to Sunday Oct 25th at the Prama Institute, Marshall.

 The Path of the Fool is a simple way of deeply trusting what emerges between us, when we let ourselves live right into the edge of unknowingness. As we collectively relax into allowing everything to be as it is, we draw each other into embodied, expansive presence. Then we can be, relate and play in the unified field, as the Oneness appearing as something truly new. The retreat is co created with the participants and draws on Angela’s 25 years work with groups in silence, movement, play, pure being, sound, inquiry and authentic relating.

 Angela (UK/Norway) serves the emerging Oneness in an embodied, creative field as performer and teacher around the world. She is coming from Norway to introduce this work to the Asheville area and wishes to meet as many people as possible.

 A VERY, SPECIAL PRICE OFFERRED TO THE FIRST 4 ASHEVILLE SANGHA MEMEBERS TO BOOK. Retreat, all meals and accommodation $120!!! ( Please book by October 20th.

For more information contact Angela at angela.bogo@gmail.com or Sharon  Bowlin swallowdancer@gmail.com(828) 280 3571


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