(c) 2011 Howard McQueen
Version 2.0
(c) 2011 Howard McQueen
We carry the burdens of experiences
where we had expectations for unconditional love.
Instead, and to our surprise,
what we received and internalized
were infectious conditions,
the self-inflictions of others mixed in with their attempts to love.
As beings conceived to thrive on unconditional love,
these infections, conveyed to another open to love,
expose those we love to a broad spectrum of
cultural and personal MENTAL ILLNESS [1].
Such is the nature of some of our experiences
with the external world.
We endeavor to love and to expect love from others.
We too have fallen short of giving unconditional love,
and we have infected others.
And, suffering is reflected outwardly into the world.
The next opportunity,
and every opportunity to love,
exercise your capacity to love without conditions.
Then, when this unconditional love arrives at your threshold,
fully receive and appreciate the quality,
frequency and texture of love.
Usher this love into your kingdom within.
Let this love thoroughly mingle and mix
with the memorized infections of the past.
Now, rest within your kingdom
till you are ready to throw open all the gates
and celebrate the eternal grace of Love's healing
all your space
all your time.
Love does not request that we forget.
Love invites us to connect, understand and accept.
Then our courage is informed
and we stand firmly in love,
serving love and demonstrating love.
And we stand ready to assist others ready to also become unburdened.
[1] Receiving the infections of others
and spreading our own infections,
i.e. loving imperfectly, conditionally
creates suffering.
It would seem that the existence of suffering also create the space to
learn to love more and more deeply,
to voluntarily release our conditions to loving ourselves and others?
We are challenged time and again to risk loving others.
When we choose not to risk loving,
we often find ourselves in an increasingly disconnected state,
numbed to the world.
Many of us know friends or have ex-lovers and spouses
And/or have children with a more extreme clinically labeled mental illness.
Many blessings to all of you.