Beachside, the Ritz Carlton, outside of Red Hook, USVI© 2010 Howard McQueenWhat is personalitybut a bunch of contrivedloosely strung together programs and habits,designed to perpetuate,prop-up and propel the manufactured “me”.This me, creating and sustaining the illusion,the semblance of exterior continuity and consistency,in support of ever-shifting transient goalswrapping around some vague, pre-packed and misunderstood status quo.Until, that is, the status quo fails to support this me,then everything is subject to radical revisioning.This me, caught up these days of constant reversioning,A new release of me being trotted out seemingly every other day.All this spent energy, in the service of the fictitious,comic-book characterizations of personality!The waves of change crash against our shores,pummeling our ragged, dashed personality, wearing and eroding it away.We resist sorisking and letting go -- the familiar.Spirit essences, seeking comfort and securityincarnate within the built-in functional obsolescence of flesh,these fragile bodies of clay,also eroding away,increasingly so from the self-imposed inner stress, discord and conflict.Let us finally put to rest,accept the many facets,the many forces of a full-throttled life.Let us constantly be reminded to step into the unfolding mystery,while we are gifted with still being in-the-flesh and alive.Let us give of ourselves to a far greater vision and love,than any set of aspects the ever-insecure me will ever cobble together and realize.I give, yea I bequeath, in this and in each moment,all my essence to this life.See me in the forest, the trees, the sandy beaches,the smiles, the winks, the nods - feel my essence in the loving embracein this unbelievable spectacle, dissolved into grace, everywhere, everything,this one divine unity.Jai - god is love, love is god.
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