(C) 2012 Howard McQueen
As it is being revealed to me ...

I tend to grow and evolve when I lean into
  my insecurities and my fears.'
  How about you?
There is something extraordinary that comes out of extending ourselves and our identity into the unknown
  then letting go 
  and feeling completely ungrounded and adrift
  for a seeming unknowable amount of time ...
  This has happened after my divorces
  after radically letting go of and trying to create a new career(s)
  after going through bankruptcy.
  It is exhausting and it is excruciating.  
Holding our inner discomfort and anxiety while manifesting this space has a way of preparing us
  for the radical shift,
  opening us to new connections
  new relationships
  and new opportunities for how we might ply our passions
  and uncover our gifts
  and enable the emergence of our contributions.
  And for many of us, it opens us to our legacy, i.e. what we most want to leave behind in this
As I look back, I can trace how this emergence has manifested in my life.
When I risked placing my identity out into an unknown frontier space,
  one that I had no familiarity with,
  I was eventually and always noticed by others.
  There has always been one of these others that I have formed a deep bond,
  a camaraderie of integrity
  of mentoring
  that tosses me a temporary lifeline,
  offers me an inoculating shot-in-the-arm,
  infuses me with a quiet and confident gusto and vision ...
What emerges is new ground and the inner confidence to stand firmly and claim newly uncovered aspects of myself.
It has always been well worth the price of admission
I'm glad that it also bring with it a long summer and the fall of harvesting
before I have to step into the unknown, yet again.
Today, I am encouraged to remember that it is time to step into embodying and administering  
  this leadership,
  to bring my quiver of wisdom (listening and selectively sharing experiences) designed to enrich
  the lives of those 
  also willing to step into the unknown and
  call to them that which is named Emergence.
Every time I hear the end of the Unitarian Universalist invocation " 
    "... for we are now the Keepers of the Dream",
I feel the stirring of courage to face my own unknown.
Many blessings!
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