© 2011 Howard McQueen
How do we, once we have opened our heart,
live in a world with others
that behave in heartless ways?
Before we talk about everyone else,
we could perhaps ask ourselves
“how needy are we to receive the love of others?”
When we try to woo another
to win their affections and acceptance,
we often overlook the flaws and the wounds
that need to be seen, in order to be healed
An open heart need not buy into gullibility.
An open heart need not repeatedly allow itself to be betrayed.
An open heart acknowledges flaws in self and flaws in others,
and that the opening of the heart in others requires their own conscious choice.
An open heart does not stop trusting others
because it sees others, clearly
it feels the absence of heart in others, clearly
and it quietly encourages heart when others are open,
and leaves those who are closed, to potentially become open another day.
An open heart also knows when it is important to step back and rejuvenate,
and that there is never a need to accept abuse or misconduct from others.
The open heart is therefore wed to a depth of love for self,
and calls upon the reserves of courage to fiercely defend respect.