© 2009 Howard McQueenThe external world:Seductive,Alluring,Frightening,Compelling,All encompasing,completely and totally spellbinding,A deep, grand attraction.A gravity well.We are captives and captivated,holding ourselves spellbound and hostage,suspended in our spidery web of relationships,our collective co-dependencieswith our physical things and routines.“I’ve grown quite accustomed to my material thingsand all my regular routines.”So we continue to choose a sameness.Such entrainment is requiredto sustain the bonds of attachment,the status quo.All the clinging and clutching to comforts,anything, even if nutritionally deficient of life force/spirit.Just give me more of whatever I find to be well known,that sustains my personal status quo(irrespective of how stressed, depressed, beleaguered or pissed off at the world I may be) .Working so hard to obtainthe inherited definitionsof reward, safety and security.Our own entrapment program.Work ethic squared.We awakened in this life,right now,to the realization that there is but one life,exploded into infinite expressions andever changing,coming and going,shape-shiftinganimated life forms.As we learn to see through and piercethis external, animating circus-vision,what is revealed is the energetic connectedness,a not needing to takeor make personalthat which is animated by the Universal.We tip and dip our consciousnessinto the infinite Oneness,and sit in awe at the powerand gloryof it all.The magnificenceand utterly honorbeing present,witnessingour tiny pieceof the Great UnfoldingOneness.Spellbound vision and perspective indeed!With this vision awakened, embodied and intact, what shall we now intend to manifest on this Earth?A tip of the hat to more than a bit of inspiration from Micky Singer during last Sunday's satsang at the Temple of the Universe (tou.org). FIRE CEREMONY on 12/31 - Mmmmmmm, letting go, annihilation, the Phoenix rising from our ashes ...
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