Surrendering is our natural state

(C) 2009 Howard McQueenWe practice surrendering all the time. We don't need to be taught to surrender - We are adept at surrendering!Most of us, however, have been surrendering to ideals that are impermanent, things that are forged and made from the mind of man.We've been surrendering to money, to corporations, to government programs, to our fantasies, to our vanities, to our insecurities, to our fears.Then, when we spend an hour or two each week, believing we are dedicating ourselves to that which is holy, that which is sacred, we surrender ourselves yet again often to something else external and/or conceptual.Were we to surrender to our integrity, imagine the possibilities.We are only beginning to learn and to trust in our innate ability to honor that which is within us, to uncover that which is authentic, that which is at peace, that which knows no separation exists. Perhaps it is this that we need to honor and surrender to.And not just one or two hours a week, but constantly in surrender, in the service of that which is sacred within us, within you, within me, within the street beggar, within the ultra wealthy, within the muslem, the dirty politician, every single ONE of us.If you cannot yet feel an internal surrender taking place, pick a mountain top, a patch of ocean, a baby creature, anything not made by the mind of man, and begin surrendering with it. You will be amazed and feel a deep inner resonance. Thus, you feel a sacred presence within, and through connection with that which appears to be external, you honor All that is.Howardp.s. Perhaps the synonym for surrendering to the external made in the mind of man (when heart is not equally present) could be called slip-sliding and succumbing – sufferin’ succotash. Welcome to OUR work.
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  • Kimberly, nice to make your acquaintance. To receive your resonance is to know there is an ever-present abundance of others also working to uncover and share their peace. As we find ways to come into communion, our sharing of inspiration does indeed create an overflow ... Smile & a heartfelt hug on its way to you!
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