(C) 2011 Howard McQueen
It is seemingly but a flicker,
no more than the slightest, lightest breeze,
below a whisper
fainter than an ancient perfume
in the desert air.
And yet,
even in the deepest, darkest recesses,
it is also there,
this flickering candle,
comprised of hope,
which can blossom at any moment into a fullness,
bringing color and warmth to the interior,
this hope-full-ness.
I am honored to be but a messenger
an infected carrier
of this invisible hope
that when mixed with despair
creates this uncannily clear elixir
of seeing through the veils and valleys
where our spirit can sometimes withdraw,
wanting to hide.
We all do this to greater or lesser degrees,
sometimes with more drama and flair.
We love you (all those seemingly stuck in despair)!