(C) 2009 Howard McQueenWe're holding on to volumes,vast stores of evidenceused to shore up our identity asThe Victim -- ta da (drum roll, role the cameras) ... !We may even have our evidence in official writing:so and so court or magistrate decrees "..."Victims, like any role, must be constantly sustained,otherwise, anything left alone and unfed,withers on the vine.Playing the character role of Victimrelies upon force of habitand the infrastructure,constructed ofthe old cement of fearand the accomplices ofinjustice and rageanddeep sense of loss and grief.This is the fuel, the energy source feeding our Victim-hood!For a sneak peek under the hood,try listening closely to all the words you speak.Be aware of how you self-depreciate,how the victim-hood snacks on you,steals your vitality.At some point in time,you will have had enough of this deceitful,depreciating habit.The child-self in youis still walking on egg-shells,anticipating an incoming artillery barrage,caught in the fertile field of land mines,waiting, any moment, for all hell to break loose,like it used to.Take off the flack jacket,the helmetand become naked,completely vulnerable.Become alive again.Risk your fragility.Try on the psychology of risking it all,before your curtain call.Breaking ingrained habits requires letting go, surrendering to them, laying down the resistance.Imagine your flow and connection to your authenticity when you harvest and redirect all this diffused energy.
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