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Baby Steps

As I sit here, our daughter Izabella, who is now 9 months old, is crawling around the living 12737430699?profile=originalroom looking for ways to pull her self up to standing.  Iza, as Shelby likes to call her, is such a wonderful gift.  Not only do we get to revel in her discovering everything for the first time, but we get to see her smile and laugh.  Seeing her laugh is pure joy, and I’d like to quit my day job to become a full-time baby entertainer (though Shelby is much better at making her laugh).  She’s such a happy baby that we can take her out to the store and restaurants, and she will just smile at everyone until they smile back.  She leaves a wake of open hearts and love where ever she goes, and it’s such a beautiful thing to see.  Her smile is a gift to the Universe :)

As I watch her crawl and stand up (she’ll be walking very soon), it got me to thinking about what drives the developing baby.  What makes them tick?  Why do they crawl?  Why do they stand, walk, etc.?  My wife and I certainly are not teaching her things.  We’re just watching in awe as she develops these new abilities on her own.

Though scientists might explain this drive to move as genetic programming or some such thing, I see an invisible force that is driving us, guiding us to act.  That force is like a primordial intelligence that knows what needs to be done.  In the beginning, when we are too young to start formulating opinions or analyzing things, we just naturally go with the flow without questioning that intelligence.  But as we grow older, we begin to question that force, even resist its urges.  We may be encouraged to ignore the innate urges by our parents in situations where curiosity might put us in harm’s way.  Right now there are only a few things cropping up that we’re discouraging, such as pulling Mommy’s hair and trying to eat things that aren’t really edible (baby’s apparently like to explore things with their mouths).

The older we get, the more things we are guided to do or not do, which is based at least partly on our caregiver’s level of trust in that innate force that drives us all.  Therefore, this lack of trust in, we’ll just call it Life, gets passed down from one generation to the next.  But before parents go blaming themselves for raising children with a lack of trust in Life, it’s important to realize that one’s lack of trust in Life is also a crucial part of Life’s driving force.  Things are as they are because they could be no other way, and what is appearing now is what Life wants for us.

So, if you think that you “could” have or “should” have done something differently in the past, you are believing in a lie (interestingly enough the word “believe” has the word “lie” built into it).  That lie is that you know better than Life, and that you could have done a better job than Life had intended for you.  This is why reliving the past and playing the “What if things had been different?” game is a lose-lose proposition.

Like it or not, it had to be this way.  That’s why the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, and the like, are so crucial to obtaining the peace we all desire.  Tolle has summed up his teachings at one point or another by saying, “All you really have to do is accept this moment fully...”  That’s what Life wants for you.  Our mind comes in with its lack of trust and casts doubt on what may happen if we accept the unavoidable isness of this moment (i.e. we’ll never do anything to make changes in our lives, etc.), but that doubt, too, is part of Life’s plan for us.  We doubt because there is no other way – until there is the realization that there is another way.

If you’re reading these words, I suspect that you are making baby steps toward the innocence you had when you were born, when you had no choice but to trust Life because you knew no other way.  You’ve been introduced to the idea that there is another way, which is to live in alignment with Life.  You’ve already learned how to avoid touching hot stoves and how not to lick the floor, so set aside your distrust and let Life start doing the work for you – one baby step at a time.

Here’s a quote from my Notes on Inner Peace to ponder, “What if life is unfolding just as it is supposed to, and you didn’t have to make anything happen?  What if it has been making everything fall into place from the very beginning, without you needing to worry, ever?”

As Byron Katie likes to say, “Let Life live you. It does anyway.”

Peace, Love and Life to you,

A Seeker's Guide to Inner Peace: Notes to Self, by Trey Carland

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Hey friends and family,

I haven't had time to write you with an update in a while now, but suffice it to say that Izabella is keeping us on our toes.  She's almost 9 months now, and crawling around like crazy.  She's trying to stand up on her own and will probably be taking her first steps within a week or so.  She's a beautiful, precious, little bundle of joy, and continues to be the light and love of our lives :)

I'll have more to report later, but in the meantime I wanted to share the exciting news (in case you haven't already heard).  This Sunday I will be doing a book reading/signing at Malaprop’s Bookstore in downtown Asheville at 3:00 pm.  If you're anywhere within a hundred mile radius or so, come on down.  I'll be joined by Prajna Ana, and Brian Piergrossi, who are both authors and spiritual teachers in the Asheville area.

I will be presenting selections from my book, “A Seeker’s Guide to Inner Peace: Notes to Self.”  Prajna will be featuring her new book, “Dying Into This.”  And Brian will be featuring his book, “The Wow of the Now: Awakening To The Big Glow Within.”  The three of us share a passion for Awakening/Enlightenment/Self Realization and a desire to share that passion with the world.  It promises to be a very “enlightening” discussion.  More information on each of the books is included below.  I hope to see you there.

Much love,


PS - Please share this information with anyone you think might be interested.
A Seeker's Guide to Inner Peace: Notes to Self, by Trey Carland


Book Reading Event at Malaprop’s Bookstore in Downtown Asheville

Sunday, January 13th, at 3:00 pm

Please join Trey Carland, Prajna Ana, and Brian Piergrossi for a book reading and discussion on January 13th.

Trey will be presenting selections from his book, “A Seeker’s Guide to Inner Peace.”  Prajna will be featuring her new book, “Dying Into This.”  And Brian will be featuring his book, “The Wow of the Now: Awakening To The Big Glow Within.”  More information on each of the books is included below.

“A Seeker’s Guide to Inner Peace: Notes to Self,” by Trey Carland

I believe my book is best described by Katie Davis, spiritual teacher and author of "Awake Joy: The Essence of Enlightenment" (

"A Seeker's Guide to Inner Peace" is a spiritual gem. I love this well written and intelligent book. The light of love, compassion and wisdom shines through every page. Trey Carland writes in a personable and pragmatic manner that is both kind and wise. The reader is fully engaged and one senses that they could be sitting in the same room with the author enjoying an open and honest conversation with a true Heart friend.
    The book is a journal of life situation encounters that reflect deep insights and realizations. They skillfully support the inner pathway to conscious freedom and inner peace. Throughout the book, Trey shares inspiring quotes, recommended books, helpful practices and meditations to meet those apparent obstacles the seeker meets. He then gently points toward the ever open doorway to the light that one genuinely is. The "Notes to Self" demonstrate a deeply contemplated life that is fully enriched by direct understanding. A Seeker's Guide is the seeker's choice." ~ Katie Davis

“The events in our lives serve as sign posts we can either choose to ignore or follow.  If we ignore them, we might end up driving in circles for a while, in which case we will encounter recurring themes.  If we pay attention and use our intuition as a guide, we might end up getting to our final destination in One Peace.” - Trey Carland

About the Author
Trey was born in Asheville, North Carolina, and currently lives in Candler, NC.  He is the co-founder of the Asheville Sangha online community (, which was developed for people interested in non-duality, self-realization, meditation, enlightenment, etc. He also facilitates the Awakening Practices Group, an Eckhart Tolle centered meditation/discussion group, in the Asheville area twice per month. Trey invites contact and exchange with anyone who feels a draw or a need. You can reach him and access his blog through his website (

“Dying Into This” by Prajna Ana

We have reached a critical stage in our evolution. What is being asked of us now is to relate to each other from a higher state of consciousness, one born of love and compassion. Dying Into This offers a very practical, accessible message of transformation through love. Written outside of the confines of any religion, order, or philosophy, its clear message simply helps the reader to recognize their innate wisdom. The book supports and cultivates the goodness of each individual by reminding them of their true heart, thereby restoring a deep connection to all of life. Only once we each get in touch with that can any real, positive change happen.

“It is undeniable how connected we all are – to God, to self, and to each other. Once this is seen, we move from love – and that is how we will transform the world – one heart at a time.’
– Prajna Ana

About the Author

Prajna Ana lives in Asheville, North Carolina. Although she does not prescribe to any dogma or religious structure, she honors the timeless wisdom within them all. It is from this space of openness where she invites you to un-know and discover the truth for yourself. Prajna is author of Dying Into This and founder of Lamp of the Heart. For more information, visit

“The Wow of the Now: Awakening to the Big Glow Within,” by Brian Piergrossi

“The Wow of the Now' is the new book of meditations, prayers, insights and poems from Brian Piergrossi articulating a new, unique spiritual teaching for the 21st Century. It's not just a book, it's an energetic vibration. It's a heart-felt invitation to awaken to your true essence and potential. It's a new culture. It's a growing movement to live authentically with presence in each moment. Join the movement and discover the Big Glow within! Praise for The Wow of the Now: 'These are not just words written on a page, the writings in this book are so much deeper. I laughed, I cried, I felt a deep feeling of enoughness and a soothing, cleansing, peace all wrapped up in a warm blanket of love. I didn't just read this book. I felt this book.' - Gaila Robinson, Counselor

Brian Piergrossi is the Author of The Big Glow and The Wow of the Now, Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher. He lives in Asheville, North Carolina.'

Posted By Blogger to Compassion at 1/08/2013 11:45:00 PM
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