(C) 2009 Howard McQueenHow do we define and contextualize the word, body?A group of cells capable of communicating and co-operating?A self organizing life system, capable of sustaining itself?The Great Coral reef in Australia could be considered a body,a living organism large enough to be seen from space.What we know about our human bodies is that they are miraculously complexand completely astounding.The diversity, the specialization, the intra-cell biology,all this organizing intelligencein the service of providing the "you" with a home,to exist in the physical domain.There is a growing mountain of direct experiencepointing to individual human beings as havingunified fields of experience.Languaging this can create a bit of a barrier,yet dozens of people I walk up and speak tofeel a great sense of macro connectedness withtheir animal companions, a few humans andunquestionably, with nature.We as humanity, our colony this earththis our spaceship, with its sister moonrunning laps around Sol,in relationship with larger and larger systems and bodies.We look inwardly into infinity,we gaze outward into infinity,we are bounded only by our perspectiveand our sense of feeling and behaving separate from all that is
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(c) 2009 Howard McQueenLike pre-teen children enrapt in the play of Red Rover [1]we launch ourselves with complete abandoninto the strong, embracing arms of others.The faces beam at us, encouraging our charge.We find the line is strong,it almost always holds and contains us,while we spontaneously overflow in the pure ecstaticjoy and delight of play.I am recalling this now, as an adult,not merely to live in the past and reminisce;my work is to uncover and reconnectto these childhood states of unbounded estacy.I am shining the light,nourishing and cherishingthat living in-being,this child-self within me.Here is my blessing,to all these children, dwelling within us,desiring the gift, to come out and playcherished and protected,to bathe in the oversight of our unconditional love:I will give, in my turn,then it will be your turn to give,and then all the others will join in,in their turn to give,for the secret is in the giving,not taking,for there is an abundance to give from your well.and we will all fall into Love as we give unconditionallyfrom the Well,this eternal river of shared innocence, of divine presenceliving in the moment, overflowing,gushing this abundant ecstasy of joy to play.We learn to open wider, bigger, taller, deeperto the divine radiance,the living festival,the exuberance and downright, down home rapture,being in-body and consciously connected to it all,in this spontaneous, in-the-moment joy in playing,sharing and flowing in the spontaneityof this mysterious existence.We will open our hearts and give,no matter what arises.It matters not if our fellow beingssometimes fail to receive our giving,our highest purpose is to just keep givingand not be attached to outcomes,for we are all here to play with each otherand fall deeply into Love,with all of life.[1] For a reference on the children's game Red Rover, this was one of the activities groups of children engaged in before there were video games and other isolating distractions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_RoverRead more…
(c) 2009 Howard McQueenOur path becomes illuminatedwhen we show mercy to ourselves.There are many emotions that can nudge uscloser to relationship with surrender.Try placing surrenderin the centerof your vocabulary,then practice experiencing a relationshipwith some of surrender's closest (word) relatives.
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenA blessing for the awakening of Awareness & PresenceIn this lifetime, we rememberand begin to fully realize:- Our source is the Womb of Life- Our true birth mother, our Earth- Our true birth father, our Sun- Our immediate family, the fifty trillion stars- Our fellow humans, individuated cells in the evolving body of life,we label humanity.In this incarnation,our indoctrination into the Earth schoolis complete.We awaken to our inner, conscious work,to clean and heal,the inherited woundedness, the infectionwithin our own, individual cell,and thus we are freed to take up radiating the Oneness,holding the energetic signal.We have aligned with our destiny,our highest purpose and service.All else will be whatever it will be,t'is not up to you or me,we know to just let it all be.
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(c) 2009 Howard McQueenWhat better way to learn to give love and compassion,than to feel all the sufferingand experience the darkest dramas of the mind.What better way to stumble into Oneness,than to have felt the pain of seemingly being completely separate, cutoff and alone.What better way to learn that giving is receiving,than to have tried most of a lifetime to get,or manipulate others to giveto fill the void of one who felt so very needy.Joy unfolds in acceptance and surrenderto what has covered over the heart.Cherish and nourish your authentic self,let it guide you to abundance,and with complete abandon,radiate the wholeless of what you really are,outwards to your world.This is the energetic signature of the cosmos.The sun gives its radiance without consideration.The earth grows and sprouts life because it can.The ocean hosts and nourishes a vastness of life forms,orchestrating all this aligned with the rising and falling of the tides.There are no conditions attached to the outcomes.Life flourishes and evolves through unconditional giving.Giving is receiving.All else is taking from.~~~ *** ~~~ ** ~~ * ~We have been trained and conditioned to believe that we have to take to receive. This belief system is the root of scarcity and breeds competition for what need not be scarce, and, as a result, our world tumbles out of balance.It may be that you have yet to connect to your abundance. If so, consider investing in the book referenced below.This posting inspired by Session #9 of Michael Brown's book, The Presence Process
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