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[Subtitled: Rewriting the Human Infrastructure Programming]© 2009 Howard McQueen[this has become such a pivotal dream for directing my life - HM 8/2009]I was dreaming the other night.I was on a deck, happily saluting and commending a group of fellow comrades. My dad’s name was called and I was doubly enthusiastic to greet and honor him. He did not appear, so I took the stairs down below and found him hard at work.I said “Dad, we’re missing you upstairs at the celebration. Can you come up and join us?”.To which he looked up at me with a big smile and said “Son, I am really busy rewriting the infrastructure programming”.We hugged, deeply … AND I CAME to the surface of awakeness lucidly connected to this dream embrace. In this in-between state, my chest merged with that of my Dad’s and our chest rose and fell with gigantic inhales and exhales. I was enveloped in this gentle energy bubble, with my eyes moist, my body relaxed, maintaining this direct experience - holding back the interruptive nature of rational thought. This merging of me/Dad, of dream-state/awakeness persisted like a very slow wave rolling in from way out in the ocean. A great calm pervaded my entire being.In this elongated moment, I redeemed the reward for courageously facing the dark shadow that had obscured and troubled both my Dad and me when I was a child. I also believe that the spirit of my Dad experienced redemption.I innately understand that that my work of years of forgiveness and acceptance of my Dad had carried me up to 95% of the journey, and I was still holding back.This last 5% was all about total, pure surrender in the Face of Love (FoL). This FoL has us always projecting someone’s face (someone did me wrong, someone could have done better when I was a child and so vulnerable, etc. …). When we relax and release our judgments and then surrender to what was / what is, our internal defensiveness melts and we regain our supple heart, our childlike wonder and openness - we open back up to the miraculous vulnerability of being vibrantly alive. We see ourselves in everyone else, we stop being haunted by projected faces, we begin to heal and we learn to trust a prime directive – living fully in the moment cannot happen until we reclaim a oneness with our fears and defensive/protection beliefs and patterns.My message and intentTake it all in. Don’t run from the fear, don’t hoard the love. Keep a lightness of being with yourself and in your relations with those caught up in their dark shadows. With so many active delusions in this world, we who are able to shine the light of Love know our job description – keep carrying on sharing Love and Compassion, allow spaciousness and then step back and just let things be whatever they will be.AcknowledgementsI’ve had a boatload of support doing this last 5% of work. This exceedingly potent, non-conventional help came directly from the Asheville Loving Communications (LC) community (Fred Keyser and Heidi Fox, founders). Other folks contributed to my quickening: Richard Koerber, Asheville Acupuncturist; Jack Boyd, Asheville Structural Integrator, my long-term Chiropractor in Savannah, Steve Goldberg, Ruth McKinney and my community of Asheville spirit-based warriors (you know “I love you all”). With their encouragement, I faced my own fear-inheritance and saw it for what it is – just passed down shadow energies by birth parents (doing their very best), entrusted to indoctrinate their children into this physical Earth school within the thick cultural conditionings passed down to them.
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Powerful Pointers

Ever since I discovered the idea of enlightenment a couple of years ago, I have felt compelled to find out as much as I could about it. I have been a researcher of sorts, taking in all of these things compiling them, sharing them with others, etc. My intellectual comprehension has continued to deepen, as has my experiential understanding. What I have found quite useful is reading certain things that resonate with me multiple times. I have found that I am not always present enough to hear what is being said the first time. In effect, I may not be ready to hear this now, but may be later. The other benefit to continuing to read about such things is that it serves as a constant reminder to look deeper. Otherwise, you read a book about enlightenment and say, “Well, that’s interesting,” and then leave it at that. However, it seems to be that we all want the same thing: a sense of peace that is not determined or affected by what the world throws at us. We all want to be happy. So, it seems in order for us to do that, we have to be able to be completely at peace with who we are. How can we be happy when we are playing a role, trying to please others? Why can’t we just be ourselves and not care about pleasing others? What if being ourselves is all it takes to please others? Then we must first recognize who we truly are beyond the roles we have played all of our lives. Along my personal journey, I have picked up various pointers that have resonated with me. Pointers are wonderful tools that help guide the mind toward what we truly are. We, in effect, use this mind to search for ourselves, but can’t rely on it to understand what we are looking for. Intellectual understanding is great, and I think is a necessary part of finding yourself, but eventually those mental concepts become a hindrance and have to be put aside to make room for the actual experience of what is true. The pointers I have provided below have helped me bring about the experience of understanding rather than the mental movement of understanding (though both seem to happen). I invite you to experiment with them on your own to see what happens. Try sitting with one pointer, or one sentence of a pointer for a while rather than just give it all a once over and forget about it. You may find that some of them work some of the time and not at others, but I recommend try them all over and over. It might be helpful for you to copy and paste them into a document you can print out for future use, or write some on post it notes to place around as reminders. Lately I’ve found that the most simple, yet profound, pointers are those that just tell you to look at yourself. In fact, according to John Sherman, if you simply look at yourself as often as you think of it, you are guaranteed to find what you are looking for, which is what you have always been and didn’t realize it ;) Pointers: When needless thoughts arise and you notice them, turn them into gibberish or replace them with blah blah blah. Witness the thoughts as they turn into meaninglessness and disappear into silence. What’s more real, the thoughts in my head, or the fact that I am here? Check in and see. Simply look at yourself. Not in the mirror. Just look at yourself. Ask yourself, “Who am I?” and follow your attention inward, as if your point of focus has rotated 180 degrees. Look at who you think you are. Look at your mind made image of yourself, how you see yourself, how you think others see you. What is really there? Point your finger around at different objects, looking at what it points at along the way. Then point the finger at your own face. Look at what it is pointing at. Who or what is looking through my eyes? Close your eyes and “look” (or focus your attention) at what’s right behind your eyes. Focus your attention on your inner body. Feel the life underneath your skin. Feel your breath. Be still and notice the stillness around you. Listen to the silence underneath the noises you hear. Focus on the empty space around you. Look around and become aware of the space that encompasses everything. Think about this: Nothing ever happened. Everything in the past is just your imagination. There is just this. Just what is in front of you at this moment. The only thing that really exists is just this, only this. Right here, right now. Look at things for the first time, as if you had never seen them before. Drop your stories and labels and just look through the eyes that don’t know anything. What was it before you knew what it was? Let it (everything) be, just as it is. Look at the simple isness of it. See it only for what it is. It is simply here, just here, in your presence, and you are aware of it being present. Look at your hands as they manipulate things. Watch them as they move around with their own innate intelligence. You don’t need to control them, they know what they’re doing. What will they do next? Just witness. You are not the doer. See what it’s like when you stop pretending to be in control. Just let the body lead the way and see where it takes you. I am ALWAYS right here. I am, and always have been, aware of my own existence, my here-ness. I am never not aware that I exist. In every circumstance, I am always aware of the space that I am in. The one constant, never changing fact is that I am aware of myself. I am totally conscious (aware) of being here (present) where ever I am. I see that I exist even when I am unaware that I am aware. “I am” even when I don’t know “I am.” Look at a past memory. What was it that was there witnessing it? What hasn’t changed since then? What has always been there, where every you have been, what ever you have done? You. Your simple “you-ness” has always been present at any given point in your life. Quietly watching your life unfold. What if this same witnessing presence that looks through your eyes is the same witnessing presence that is looking through everyone else’s eyes? Look around at others as if your witnessing presence is actually the same presence looking through their eyes. In effect, take your awareness and wrap it around behind the eyes of others. The only difference is your outward appearance and your past experiences. You may have different thoughts, but that which is always here for us (our witnessing presence) is the same for all of us. If I’m asked, “Are you enlightened yet?” I would say, “Yes. I always have been. I just haven’t fully realized it yet.” Driving (or walking) Meditation: As you drive down the road (highways and byways where there is not stop and go traffic is best), focus your eyes a slight bit higher, or lower, or to the left or right of where you would typically look. As you do so, open up your field of vision so that you are focusing not just on what is in front of you, but also what is in your peripheral vision. Expand your view so that you are taking in more of the scenery all around rather than just what is right in front of you. Experiment by looking around at different points in front of you (i.e. a little to the left of center, a little above center, etc.). As you do so, remain aware of your peripheral vision. You can simultaneously be aware of what is in front of you and what is all around you. You can enjoy looking at the sky as you drive down the road just with a slight shift in your perspective. Even the lines painted on the road are more alive when they are noticed. Take it all in. Be aware of it. As you do this, notice if you feel any tension in your body. Relax into it by taking a smiling breath. This is life. It’s always all around you even when you don’t notice. Don’t be afraid to look around when you drive. You don’t even have to turn your head to do it. Surrender to the fact that you don’t have any control over your fate when you get in a car (or in any other circumstance for that matter). There’s nothing to fear if life is giving you everything you need to experience to bring about your own fulfillment. In short, you’re not driving, you’re being driven. Since we’re all on a hunk of rock that’s spinning a thousand miles per hour and hurtling through space at half a million miles per hour, why not sit back and enjoy the ride?
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