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Version 2.0 March 31, 2010

© 2010 Howard McQueen

In Michael Brown’s Books, the Presence Process and Alchemy of the Heart, integrity, authenticity and intimacy are an important trinity in his process vocabulary.

As I reenter and apply the Presence Process for the second time, I have been building a working relationship with this trinity.

Integrity is the ability to recognize and honor our work-in-process, unprocessed emotions, no matter how raw and/or unsettling. We do this by feeling our emotions in order to begin the healing of our past discomforts and trauma. Connecting to our integrity allows us to become aware of our manufactured belief structures, how these fuel our reactive behaviors, and how we keep ourselves entrapped in mental confusion and delusion. By practicing integrity, we learn to insert a space of silence, of not doing anything other than witnessing what arises within us. What has, for so long, been automatic and reactive, begins to come into our focus and awareness. We see that our manufactured beliefs have created blind spots, black holes of emotionally charged memories that arise and come alive as others “push our buttons”. We literally become unconscious during these emotional hi-jackings. The space we uncover and create as we connect to our integrity sets us up to consciously challenge our ingrained habits of blaming / shaming, playing the victim or perpetrator (victor).

Authenticity is the process of discovering and learning to discern that these habitual, reactive behaviors of protection and aggression no longer serve us. Authenticity offers us connection to our inner landscape and our inner resources and we begin experimenting with the wealth of inner capabilities and insights to be @choice, i.e. to tend to our own garden. This allows us to begin disempowering and surrendering the belief structures triggering our reactive behaviors. We learn to choose the pathway of reflection, to become responsive and compassion with our self and others.

Intimacy is the clear-seeing, the piercing through the fog of our manufactured conflicted, in-resistance beliefs and behaviors. As we become intimate, we truly feel comfortable and connected with life as it unfolds, accepting the ever changing maelstrom of life’s forces without judgment or conflict. Intimacy is being consciously connect to the inner intent (peace, love, joy, acceptance) we wish to manifest into our world. We take full responsibility for experiencing life, on life’s terms. Even though others, including our birth family, may still be sleep-walking and deeply conflicted, we allow them and the external world to just be as it is. We share our open heartedness, joy and compassion with the world, infecting the world with our radical love and appreciation for life, by being more fully open and vulnerable to all of life and to the full spectrum of emotional feelings life offers us.

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© 2010 Howard McQueen

What part of our self are we not willing to give freely, and place into the service of sowing, cultivating and harvesting love?

What are we holding on to that believes we put ourselves at risk by loving?

My own journey of awakening to love reveals that the more conscious, consistent, respectful and trusting I imbue the love I give, these same qualities seem to be magnified and reflected back to me through another.

Love is unconditional.

Love does not try to play it safe.

Love does not seek counsel in holding back.

Love does not behave or conform to human concepts, such as quid-pro-quo.

I choose to open to this radical, transformational love,

a love that celebrates vulnerability,

that acknowledges the hurt, pain and disappointment,

the unpredictability and seemingly limited duration of love within human form.

Emory and I applied and received a marriage certificate yesterday.

The clerk genuinely wished us the best when she handed us the certificate.

The three of us spoke for several minutes about the nature of marriage as a door that swings both ways, that the probate court, on any given day, receives about as many marriage applications as it does divorce

I am again opening and bringing everything I am to bear in a partnership centered in love. I am much clearer as to the conditions and constraints that have obscured and diffused my prior attempts at love, both for my self as well as my relationship with another.

May the courage arise in you to embrace love, over and over, again and again.

~~~ ... ~ ...

This posting completed less than one hour before Emory and I are to be married.

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I awaken completely smuckers for you.
I am your wild, mixed berry passion of madness,
ready to be spread
by your tongue of desire.

I am malleable, yielding, flowing, acceptance,
the divine embrace of surrender,
recognizing in discernment
the harmony in sharing overlapping goals,
goals that promote unity,
goals that collapse separation.

When (not if) the blessing of a compatible mate
arrives at your door,
throw open your heart and mind,
release the cynic and the despot,
free your unbounded spirit
to unfold and catch its wind
so the earth and heavens may be included in the celebration.

It's a clear, beautiful day, full of unreserved WOW. Ready your love offerings!

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This posting written from St. Marys, Ga. the southern-most coastal Georgia
town, camping in the Crooked River State Park. Version 2.0


Intimacy, this experiential journey with self

is accelerated and articulated

in the depth of connection,

the relationship space,

shared, occupied and felt with another.

There is only so much self-discovery work

we can do by ourselves.

We need the reflected surfaces,

the reactions and responses of another

to make our way into reconnecting

and discovering our human interiors.

We need to experience

our depth of separation

to come face to face

with our core, manufactured identity.

Much of what we have accumulated as identity

is destined to die, to burn up in our heightened,

over exposed re-entry

into our true home world atmosphere,

this trinity of integrity - authenticity - intimacy.

Our long postponed journey into intimacy,

this awakening of awareness,

this courage arising in the heart and gut

to send forth expeditions into the hidden pockets

where our discomforts fester.

At first, we don’t so much navigate as flat out

stumble, fall and succumb to the contents of our pockets,

these triggered traps of reactive pretense,

safeguarding and protecting long-held traumas,

dictating habitual behavior,

bullying about, spreading fear,

choking out freedom to be conscious and @CHOICE.

The dark shadows and fear arise and overwhelm … momentarily.

Deconstructing and un-doing identity,

the mentally ill-born, manufactured beliefs,

the passive-aggressive strategies of identity underpinning our hurt.

We learn to unwrap and decipher our human evolutionary capacity

to give ourselves the gift of learning to process,

to power-down and surrender

that which we hide and hold back

from becoming truly intimate

with our Self.


Part of the gift arrives with the personal will of commitment to do whatever it takes when the journey into intimacy leads us into our blindness, our unconsciousness. In truth, it is as much your partner’s matching
contribution to do “whatever it takes” to show you your demons, despots and despairs, to unwaveringly guide you into your discomfort and discord, to shore up and invite into relationship the encouragement to dive into stuck, energetic kinks and knots, to hold the sacred space as both step into the overwhelming journey
into intimacy.

Know how blessed you are to be with a partner willing to process their own work and be a clear enough mirror to guide you inward, towards your hurt and ouch and ultimately transform this discord into a harmonious,
unifying WOW.

My partner, Emory Cortese, last week coined this full circle experience WOWCH! You don’t get to experience and harvest the WOW without doing the work to feel into and pierce through all the

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May every day
hold the blessing
to open your heart
to this world.

May every day
challenge the separation
creeping into our language and our conversations.

May you awaken each and every day
to be present with the inherited fear and pain
bathing the human experience.

May you be enmeshed
in the struggle to Love -
all the accumulated hurt and pain.

May you find, in union
those and a special someone
of substance and courage,
to share the hurt held in OUR human heart.

May blessings again flourish
and flow freely upon your river of intent.
Let this love we cultivate and exchange
be a wild , fierce, all consuming Love,
that we constantly demonstrate
throughout each and every day.

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Ancient Voices (Maui Inspiration)

Ancient memories of childhood’s past
Life recalls its original kiss

Reflecting upon Itself as myriads of form
Choosing to dream - the myth to be born

Thoughts journey through diversity
As the mirror of Unity

Leaping like spray on rocky shore
Playing in abandon with Life evermore

Life recalls its original kiss
Choosing the dream - expressing its bliss

copyright, Chris Allen, March 2010

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Divine Proposal

Writing proposals for a client well-loved
Listening to chants from my cherished iPod

Seeing myself as singer and song
Song becomes One with pages revealed

Springing from my Self, celestial voices so sublime
Expanding my heart, embracing the Divine

What Universes unknown - untold to behold
Contained in my heart free to unfold

I AM Divine choir singing to Thee
When suddenly choir reverses, facing Thee within Me

copyright, Chris Allen, March 2010

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How can couples (and/or individuals) develop a healthy relationship toward money and finances?

Michael Brown writes that money is a metaphor for personal energy flow. If your personal energy is blocked, chances are you will also experience either intermittent or habitual scarcities with money, or you may find that you have an abundance of money and the amount of control you exert over accumulating or manipulating money sabotages intimacy with others.

I remember being deeply in debt back in the mid 1990s and so behind the 8-ball that, even though I was in my mid-40s, I was, at the time, under such stress that I was willing to wish away almost twenty years to be of age to collect social security.

I have a friend who was given cash money from her local minister, and he reminded her that sometimes you needed a helping hand from the community and sometimes a small infusion of cash is the best contribution.

I know a friend that was working for a wealthy couple, the husband having experienced a massive stroke. His wife was paying my friend $8.50 an hour, and my friend, admittedly a "energy architect" was deeply involved with reading "My Stroke of Insight" and other illuminating materials to learn how to reach out to the stroke incapacitated husband. His wife, at a social event, was told that she was over-spending and could hire cheap help for $6.50/hour, so she terminated what could have been her best possible care in order to save $300/month.

I have a friend that, in her mid-40s, was asked by a friend "When did you take your vow of poverty".

Can we see life as a relationship with God's Economy, where we, as capable individuals, do not maintain vaults of fear to store up immense wealth, and rather take the perspective that there will be just enough money flowing to us in each moment to meet our needs.

I'd be interested in hearing from any of you regarding your stories centering around relationships with money and/or couple stories for how to remain healthy with money.


or reply below
or 828.280.4780

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(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

Intimacy is a journey
prompting the discovery and reclamation
of restricted inner territories.

The constrictions of personal mind
clenched around fear, hurt and discomfort
the trauma of stored childhood imprinting
invited to be unlocked and freed.

YANG'S Deep discomfort turns toward
his natural groove of habitually expressing
withdrawal, followed by aggression.

YIN"S provoked discomfort is felt as rejection and abandonment

Both feel deeply the hot and cold
currents of separation,
this profound breech of continuity
in their love-fest.

Their pain bodies are triggered
into this raw drama dance
and momentarily,
what seemed only the slightest of a gap
appears to widen into this torrential river of an impasse,
this great gorge
this maw of fear,
these inner wounds being probed and picked at.

YIN and YANG slip-slide down the slope
of their respective despair.
Dark brooding emotions flood their landscape,
The choice to navigate back into the light and brightness is lost ...

YANG calls forth to YIN to raise up her spirit warrior
to meet,
in inquiry,
his aggression.


The next morning YANG awakens
safe and secure in the world.
By mid-afternoon, this continuity
is so contagious
YIN fills in, blossoming
and again,
both are in honeymoon
a great deal wiser,
knowing to meet and inquire into their dark energies.
meeting them more than half-way into the dark recesses
now illuminated by the found courage of attention and intention.

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To be sure, we all have a great deal to learn from each other. However, the process of subtle arrogance and self deception in the spiritual arena is perhaps the most damaging of all illusions. I am a Buddhist, or a Yogi, or a Pagan, or a student of the Fourth Way or the Kaballah or some other mystical or ecclectic school, and I imagine that Christians are at least somewhat deluded. Or I am a Christian, perhaps a Catholic or an Evangelical, or a Course in Miracles student, or a Muslim, or a Jew, and maintain some pretense that my version of “God” or “Love” is somehow more accurate than “theirs.” But in fact, when we think “Jesus said so-and-so,” or “The Buddha taught thus-and-such,” we might ask ourselves, “How would I know, and why am I repeating this?” If we face it sincerely, it is hard to avoid the discovery that all we are doing is trying to justify our own opinions and their connected feelings, perhaps seeking to be tied in with some powerful authority figure(s) which is fortified by our own conditioning. So we each have our private and group stories about things, and continue to surreptitiously elevate ourselves and put each other down.

But in fact, there is no private liberation or salvation. (Where is the “one separate” from the rest, to be saved, except in some mental fiction?) Of utmost importance, finally, is putting an end to this devious and hurtful process of “spiritual ego,” of imagining there’s some kind of competition, and that there’s someone who has to defend his or her particular spiritual turf against others. If you stop using your transient body or your thoughts or feelings as points of reference, it will be obvious that there is no “someone” and there are no “others.” That whole thing is a paranoid fantasy, a pathological delusion, in this case in the name of whatever religion to which we happen to subscribe. So let’s call a spade a spade: God, the Absolute, does not belong to anyone, nor to any particular group.
(So why pay homage to a limited god?)

Furthermore, Enlightenment, Self Realization, does not belong to anyone either. (In fact, everything belongs to Enlightenment. So why pay homage to a limited enlightenment?) Although it may occur in virtually any context - Buddhist, Christian, Yogic, Sufi, Hindu, Fourth Way, Muslim, Taoist, Jewish, Wiccan, 12-Step work, shamanistic, agnostic, scientific and so on, Spiritual Awakening, the Realization of Emptiness, the Tao, cannot be owned. How could That which is infinite be possessed by any religion, tradition, path, lineage, teacher, or hierarchy, all of which are limited? Is God a Christian, or a Jew, or a Muslim? Is Enlightenment controlled by Buddhists or Yogis or Hindus? How could That which is formless be made to conform to any set of assumptions about liberation, past or future? (If you still find yourself resisting that possibility, you might ask yourself how you would know, one way or the other, and what motives are tied up in thinking about it in any specified way, for or against. Why maintain beliefs or disbeliefs at all?) Is truth a really a matter of subjective opinion? Is not truth, if that word means anything at all, an ongoing process of careful observation and uncompromised, undefended honesty?

It’s time we stop pretending, subtly or overtly, that our particular group is superior in some way. That’s a hidden way of saying, “I’m superior,” (and therefore not inferior). Let’s bring our woundedness, our childhood fears and hurts of inferiority, covered over by the pretense of individual or collective superiority, to a total and absolute halt. Completely. Now. If we need to weep, then let’s weep together. And let those tears of shame be tears of relief, tears of joy, in finally putting down this burden of trying to defend and justify what we have imagined ourselves to be. What doesn’t exist doesn’t need to be defended. It never did.

Particularly in recent years, many of us have had very powerful awakenings, but these experiences, in and of themselves, do not mean that much unless we allow ourselves to be transformed, completely, by what we have discovered. If we try to use them to validate our religious and peer identities and opinions, with our various secret and subtle motives and perceptions so shaped, we corrupt our awakening, and are already entangled in delusion. (And when we make ourselves or our group or our path or the teacher we’ve identified ourselves with special, we make ourselves separate.) The most any spiritual institution can do is to support and celebrate what is already real and true without reservation.

Full awareness, peace, freedom, clarity and joy can, and do, only exist now. If any of us still find ourselves suffering from the symptoms of ignorance, divisiveness or competition, that is to say, fear, envy, anger, sorrow, frustration, disappointment, jealosy, self-loathing, guilt, depression, loneliness, despair, or confusion, it is because we are still negotiating with God, still negotiating with Truth, still negotiating with Love, still negotiating with Freedom, still negotiating with Serenity. The pain is none other than the agony of lying to ourselves about what we want more than anything else. It is like finally finding the lover we have always longed for, but holding back in terror of losing that love.

Why put this moment off? That which you seek is That which you already are, and always have been - you are not separate, you cannot be separate from the Absolute, from Infinite Consciousness Itself. If you dare to stop pretending that you and your life are based on some mental version of things that arises out of memory, you will find out beyond any doubt! This is not some kind of wishful thinking or grandiose mental trick. Rather, with total and unflinching sincerity, with no psychological defense or self deception whatsoever, search your heart and find out what you permanently are, what you’ve been all along. Find out if there has ever been a separate “Other.” If you discover there never has been an other, is there one now? Could there ever be? Why pretend anymore?

If you dare to give your heart, your soul, your mind, your body, and your life, unconditionally, to what you discover to be true, you will know an infinitely deep and abiding peace that has never been even a breath away. This bliss, this tranquility depends on nothing, and It is not capable of ending. Furthermore, it doesn’t make a bit of difference what you’ve ever done… or not done. You can put an end to the battle. Yes, that’s correct, just walk right out of the war, right now. All you have to do is surrender, absolutely and completely, not to me, not to some authority figure, or some organization or institution, but surrender only to your own deepest Purity.

God and your own Unbounded Love are not different. If you truly give yourself up completely, it will shock your whole system. It will suddenly dawn on you,

“Oh my God, what a fool I’ve been! What was I thinking?”

Then the absolute insanity of giving yourself to anything else will become apparent. Why wait? Why put off your own complete and total liberation? In your innermost and outermost places, in every single moment, Love waits for you everywhere. Is there really something else you would rather do? Is it possible that the thing that you fear the most, the thing that you avoid the most, is what you truly desire the most? It cannot abandon you. Even if you choose to ignore It, betray It and walk away, It is always closer than your next breath. Suspend all opinion and debate, and find out for yourself.

-- Scott Morrison, author of "There Is Only Now"

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Conversations with Yin and Yang

© 2010 Howard McQueen

YIN, on her very first, inaugural leg of her Journey, offers an outpouring

It was not very long ago

that I was hospitalized and sedated,

all the inner pain and confusion.

A dreading, a deep sense of ending my life felt so near.

A memory of the kindness,

my husband keeping me company,

deep into the night

till in my exhaustion,

I would slip into blessed sleep.

I’ve been a nourisher all my life,

nourishing two children,

now my mother …

I felt a deep connection with a male friend.

I sensed flirtations and urges within him

that caused me to close down.

I felt like I was muted, gagged, unable to utter a word.

He then, without any notice – disappeared.

My hopes for continued connections with him, gone,

seemingly dashed on the rocks.

Threatened – withdrawing – presuming rejection – depression.

This is the cycle, the pit of despair I often find myself stuck in.

I was sexually abused in my childhood

by my father.

I told my mom and in her fear,

she left him.

My dad took me, just us two, for a car ride

out on a solitary sparsely populated country road.

He urged me to recant my story -

I would not.

I thought my life would likely be forfeit during that ominous car ride.


In the police station the following day

My dad’s life was forfeited,

taken away by his just after dawn

massive coronary heart attack.

The only life I’ve known thus far

is to be a heads-down nurturer of others.

I dearly want all those I love to be well


I know,

for me to become whole,

I must continue this journey

to now somehow get a handle and nourish myself,

to call forth deeper parts of myself to awaken.

I am fearful of so many things,

as I take this set of baby steps forward into the unknowing.

YANG pauses to take a long sip from the well

YIN, you are now sipping from a straw,

this journey is revealing to you.

It dips into new dimensions of spirit, of freedom, of trust.

What you are not yet aware of

is that this straw has penetrated deep into you,

connecting your being into the infinite well of spirit.

Your mind, cynical and seemingly bruised,

obsessing over painful memory fragments,

will, on its own accord, never have a clue,

will never understand straws or spirit wells.

Your heart, however, intuitively knows

that it has found

Its headwaters for the soul,

the unconditional source for cleansing and healing Self.

The mind, always distracted,

unable to fathom spirit,

by itself,

only knows to focus on asking its

ongoing nervous-generating questions:

How will I ever make my own way …

The heart, connected through the well of spirit,


Has vision to see through the darkness

and shadows and fears.

It intuitively senses


resolve and manifest each day

that you stay

present to your divine journey,

intimate with nourishing

and integrating

these emergent aspects of yourself:

- Your child self,

the child self you know,


how to hold in unconditional, loving embrace.

- Your intuition,

the inner parent, nourisher and guidance counselor,

that the journey is constantly queuing into arising,

like the fully empowered sun peeking through

its slow-motion sunrise.

You are warming,

your hardened shell of past held pain-trauma cracking,

allowing the infinite love of God to work its way inside

all the way in, and to shine all the way through,

cleansing every aspect

of all you’ve ever defined as you.

As you now begin to accept

full authorship for your story,

it shifts from a plot of

me and my inherited pain

and nourisher-of-others,

to this unbelievable ever-expanding love story,

this sacred,


human rite-of-initiation and passage,

this rising above the pain of the world,

to radiate an intoxicating love,

organically grown through opening to

everything and everyone on your journey,

seeing pain and suffering present

in virtually everyone,

knowing in your heart

that others will awaken,

and like you,

take up their own journey.

Many will radiate the new found vitality of spirit,

learn to unconditionally love

and share their compassion

for a world bathed in inherited pain and suffering.

Perhaps this is the training ground,

the ideal conditions for humanity’s awakening,

for the golden age of spirit to be born.

Yang does not know all the answers,

but knows to trust his authenticity,

to live in the heart,

radiating and expressing love and compassion

and leave the rest up to the great unfolding.

Dear Yin,

know through every cell of our body

that you are,

have been

and will always be

unconditionally cherished, adored and loved.

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© 2010 Howard McQueen

Don’t presume you can gently explore intimacy.

Intimacy will flat out overwhelm you,

exposing your hidden,

long incubated


A single word spoken

can draws open the flood gates,

drowning ourselves and those we love


in our hidden reservoir

of waiting to be reconciled,

yet to be named

invited to be felt and received

human emotions.

Such are these avoided emotions we label "wounds",

stored in resistance to the unrestrained, unconditional heart.

Clenched closure, shutting down our aperture

for receiving all the gifts life brings to our threshold.

Intimacy transforms the hardened walls of defense

holding at bay the fear held in the human heart.

Walls become again





for the youthful vim and vigor of life to re-enter.

The heart opens, disgorging that which hurt and was hidden

in the hijacked intimacy of childhood.

In awakening,

we are invited to truly feel these hidden emotions,

to navigate and dance with these seemingly blocked demons living within.

As this intimate inward dance progresses,

we are gifted with the name

of these “I can’t handle it” emotional energies

and their energy, with a fullness of capabilities and capacities

are gifted back, returning to us.

Our personal stories,

seemingly etched deep in store grooves,

are seen merely as charged preferences

now rapidly dissolving into the freedom’s clarity.

Thus we come full circle,

face to face

with our authentic nature,

once crimped musical instruments,

now nimble dancers

Our judging and sentencing life dramatically lessens

Our manufacturing resistance to life shifts into decline

and more light enters this world,

as Love.

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