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Pure Potential

As I’m sure you are aware, Spring has sprung forth and is giving life back to the plants and trees that have been dormant for the past few months.  Insects and birds are fluttering about on warm breezes that just beckon me outdoors.  Life’s potential to give birth to more life is in action, and I feel compelled to write about it.

If you believe in the Big Bang theory, then billions and billions of years ago there was nothing.  Just empty space.  In that space nothing existed except the potential for everything to exist.  From that perspective, you could say that everything that could ever be, already existed in its potential, but had not started to manifest yet.  Then, theoretically, something happened and manifestation began with a massive explosion.

The potential for everything we are today existed before manifestation began, and has continued to exist throughout time.  Even before we are born, the potential for our existence is present.  In fact, each individual’s potential to exist was present at the beginning of time.  Potential is the one thing that hasn’t changed since before the Universe was born, and it is still that same unchanged potential today.  Life is the substratum of pure potentiality.  Anything can happen.  Anything will happen.  Anything is constantly happening.  The possibilities are as infinite as the Universe and its billions of galaxies.

It’s amazing to think about just how possible everything is in our everyday lives.  Did you ever dream you would be here, where you are, doing what you are doing now?  Rather than get bogged down thinking about a less than satisfying life situation, just recognize that you could not have predicted this moment and all that it contains.  Who you know, where you work, where you live, what you like, etc., could not have been predicted with any level of certainty when you were younger.  All the unexpected twists and turns in your life have led you to this moment, and it’s impossible to know what future twists and turns there will be and where they will steer you.  You can’t know with absolute certainty where you will be 10 minutes from now, much less 10 years from now.  Imagine that!  But the potential for you to be anywhere, doing anything, is here now.

There are many enjoyable stories about how one little twist of fate caused a domino effect of events that led to some totally unpredictable outcome.  A movie called, “Sliding Doors” comes to mind, where we follow a woman as she runs to catch a train.  The story splits and we follow the story of the woman who caught the train, and the story of the same woman who missed the train.  The one little twist, which I believe was caused by bumping into someone and dropping something, caused that woman’s life to turn out totally differently than had she caught the train.  Not to give away too much, but the woman who caught the train discovered that her husband was having an affair and left him to start a new life.  The woman who missed the train did not catch her husband and ended up staying in the relationship.

The point of the matter is not to get caught up in the “what ifs” of how my life has turned out thus far and what it will be like in the future.  After all, what has already happened was unavoidable and completely necessary.  It can be fun to speculate on the endless number of scenarios that might lay in store for us in the future (or worrisome if you tend to have a more negative outlook on life).  But the point of the story is to serve as an example of how each moment of Life shapes the next, and how totally at the mercy of Life we truly are.

Right now, in this moment, the only thing that’s real is the pure potential for anything to happen.  Right now, Life is manifesting before your eyes, out of a sea of endless possibilities.  Each moment is created anew, ever changing, with the exception of potential.  Potential is permanent, but what it creates is always moving, always unpredictable, and always uncontrollable. 

This can be a bit frightening to consider because most people would prefer to maintain some level of control of their lives.  In a lot of cases we have some sense of security because we are able to make plans that seem to happen, which lulls us into a false sense of being in control.  Inevitably, something happens to remind us that we are not in control, and that the future is unknowable.  How could we foresee the future when the possibilities are limitless?

When we’re born, we are born as pure potential.  We are clean slates with no known future, with the potential to become anything.  Nothing can be known and everything is possible.  I’ve been contemplating this a bit lately now that we’re getting ready to have a baby.  I’m pushing 40, which could mean I’m about halfway through my journey on this Earth.  It’s been an interesting journey that I never could have predicted, and there’s no telling what the rest of my life has in store, much less the life of our daughter.  Though it can seem like I’m not really “going” anywhere, as in the life situation seems to be in a holding pattern and upward mobility is limited, all I have to do is look at how much changed in the first half of my life to realize how much potential for change there is in the last half of my life.

They say having a child naturally starts you thinking about your own mortality because you have basically created your replacement (I read that in a magazine somewhere).  It makes sense though, especially having waited until my mid-life to create a new life (so to speak).  My wife is getting ready to give birth to a bundle of Joy with endless potential.  Theoretically, I’ll get to witness how the first half of her life plays out.  It’s only natural to wonder what she’ll be like.  I don’t have any expectations, just wonder and curiosity.  She could end up President, or married to an ex-con.  She could end up never leaving her hometown, or travel the world and live in some far away land.  She could be a great musician, or a teacher.  It really doesn’t matter, and I don’t spend time thinking about all of the possibilities.  Instead, I get joy out of just recognizing and accepting that unknowable potential exists for her (and for everyone else).

I invite you to sit with the idea of infinite possibility, without getting sucked into the specific hopes, dreams, aspirations, regrets, etc.  Once you get that brief glimpse of that excitement over the “anything possibleness” nature of Life, let go of any desired outcomes and just know that from right now anything is possible.  Feel what it feels like to know that endless possibilities exist, and feel what it feels like to trust Life’s ability to take care of you and guide you where you need to be.  That may not be where you want to be right now, but where you want to be is constantly changing, while Life’s plan is unwavering.

Regardless of your age, you can end up anywhere, doing anything, at anytime, without you getting a say in the matter.  If you can’t control it, why not marvel at it as it unfolds.  Potential is constantly being realized and all you need to do to enjoy it is acknowledge it for the miracle that it truly is.  Be present to it and let it do its thing.

Anything is possible.
Anything is probable.
Anything is inevitable.

Potentially yours,

Posted By Blogger to Compassion at 3/18/2012 09:20:00 PM
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© 2012 Howard McQueen


Make your way

back into your own gateway,

your center,

where all potential is present,

where heaven and hell are recognized

as arising from interpretation 

shaped by perspective

and expressed through intention.


This trinity: interpretation, perspective and intention,

when opened

and navigated with patience and reflection

provide the journeyer

with the necessary medicine of integration.


With this integration comes an integrative vision.

We experience what we once would describe as

   an ordinary, often limiting and sometimes fearful reality


   We also sense the extraordinary potential for integration,

   as we occupy and hold the space

   for both what is

   and what is becoming,

   we become free of judgment,

   we become free of attachment to outcome

   we find ourselves beginning the great un-entangling

   in this duality we’ve spun.


Bless this all encompassing, amazing and wondrous Reality.

We actually are gifted with the ability to constantly re-center

and navigate our own way.

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© 2012 Howard McQueen 


How can we continue to believe

that there is security

in what is stale,

in what we’ve already harvested,

in what we’ve already celebrated?


Many times in this life,

we hear the not so faint calling

to build our new nest,

and we turn away from the calling,

planting our heals

and our hearts

in the already departed vitality

of what has passed.


We can become so complicit,

so blind and enslaved by our routines,

so much so that we literally wish and will

that things remain the same.

We sentence ourselves and those we share life with

to a tragic conformity of sameness,

an entropic dullness and deadness,

an antithesis of vitality,

an anti-christ-consciousness,

fearing what inevitably is

but dynamic change,

life unfolding,

changing and mutating

and finding new pathways to open us

to a deeper, more profound expression.


Release yourself into the maelstrom of infinite possibilities.

Encourage yourself towards these new callings,

and be changed

by finding your friendship with adaptability

and the courage and ease to raft

the invisible and unknowable currents of life.

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© 2012 Howard McQueen 


I am appreciating this gift of life.

I have not always felt this way about life,

or about my life.

For the longest time, it seemed to me

that there were injustices done to me

that were patently unfair.


Then, over the course of time,

I sowed those injustices upon others,

becoming initiated and intimately aware

of the suffering already loose in this world.


We are fortunate to often have the time

to make the transition and shift our roles

from recipient to server,

from taker to giver.


From this more informed perspective

we see the inevitableness of what came our way,

and we can choose to stop living as victim and perpetrator.

We see how to focus our awareness and intent

and learn the art of  fermenting a much finer wine,

one worthy of sharing with our brothers and sisters.

One worthy of spreading a radical, contagious love,

A love that leaves less and less room for ambiguity, for confusion

and for the spread and transfer of suffering and separation.


If we treat each other as one family,

And offer up a toughened up love

In our actions,

our words,

our body language and our behaviors,

we will, one human being at-a-time,

encourage love to take hold and flourish.

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© 2012 Howard McQueen


It starts out innocent enough,

 a casual conversation begun.

Goodwill is opened, friendship warmed,

 all this seemingly under the auspices of genuine inquiry.


As the questions continue however,

 there is the sense of a rigid and analytical agenda firming up.

Information about me is highlighted and then inflated,

 supposedly on my behalf.


The conversation is herded along so that a pronouncement,

 a grand vision-conclusion can be bestowed.

I am now not feeling part of any free-flowing exchange.

Perhaps the feeling is more akin to being a seminar sardine,

 caught in the net of in a case-study that,

 even in a stretch, only vaguely applies to me.


I am thinking: “hey, I’m here to celebrate kinship and conviviality. 

Why is this one person trying to analyze and heal me,

 when I didn’t ask for,

 and probably don’t need,

 any contextual,

 in-the-moment healing,

 or summing up of my life experince.”


You’ve just become caught up in the rap of the well-intended,

 often ineffectual healer.

Needing to do the work on themselves,

 and so constipated with their own

 under-applied and unresolved advice,

 their tendency is to spread advice to almost everyone else.


Effective healers are largely freed,

or can set aside, their own biases.

Rather than deal in and dole out personal,

 stylized roles of behavior,

 their responsiveness arises in the moment

 to what is most alive,

 not in them,

 but in the other.


Effective healers do not offer solutions,

 knowing that what resonates in them is but their own work-around,

 that is, until the resonance and awareness awakens in another.


Effective healers are not wed to outcomes,

 as they embrace the unknowing

 of when and where the necessary medicine will come from.


I sense that effective healers are often born out of the ashes of mediocre healers, growing up and letting go their subtle meddling and manipulation.   

Be bold and hold up the mirror to those aspiring to be effective healers.  They too need an assist now and then to see through the smoke and fog and all the distortion shrouding their lives.  


Take off the kid gloves and, if necessary,

 man-handle me so I can see and be so much more

 that a mediocre leader, and healer.






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© 2012 Howard McQueen
All too often
 we wait to celebrate being together - till we are leaving.
Everyday we have the opportunity
 to be radical daredevils
 and let escape our words,
 profusely professing
 our love for each other.
Why are we still skipping over these golden opportunities?
Take a moment and just stop and gaze into the eyes of love,
with reckless abandon, while you are still able.
This church, this GMUUC -  C for its congregation,
collectively cohesive.
What a very mature love.
What a beautiful way we’ve been held
in the love of so many.
It has awakened in me,
the invitation to step off of the sidelines of love,
right on to the groundless space where love is actualized.
We are indeed keepers of the dream,
keeping the dream alive
so it may awaken and thrive
in so many others.
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