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Version 1.1 | 6.22.10
(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

a knowing that
the time has come
to repack your bags.

You are finally tuning
into the callings of your Anam Cara [1]

You are receiving the invitation of your divine self to:

- Inventory everything you've been carrying along in this life and do the work of discarding what does not serve you.
- Lighten up and loosen up for the remainder of this particular sacred journey

Perhaps it is finally time to make plans for some special visit.
Perhaps an introductory week at Damonhur [2], or some such other place deeply engaged in working with light and love and possibilities.

Yes, you've received the memo that time is short to reconnect, open up and be present with this great experiment in consciousness!

I am certain we are drinking from the same well. Perhaps this is all much more than just a chance encounter.

[2] aka The intentional community;

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From "Rumi, the Book of Love"
Translations and commentary by Coleman Barks

In complete Control, pretending control,
with dignified authority, we are charlatans.
Or maybe just a goat's-hair brush in a painter's hand.
We have no idea what we are.

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© 2010 Howard McQueen

Awareness in retreat,

into the mental un-realness,

seeking safe passage

outside of the here and now.

Our encounters with disturbances

where we experience confusion,

then distortion,

form the black hole

the place where we embrace our fear,

create the persisting infection,

blocking the passing through of what is no more

than a highly charged, energetic experience.

Elaborate defenses we manufacture:

fictions, fantasies and delusional scenarios,

played out over and over,

again and again,

Within the hyper-active,

concave and collapsing

inbreeding mind.

We become stuck in a faulty, repeating loop,

a subroutine of fear

needing the mastery of a program revision.

From this perspective,

our suffering represents the debug error messaging

that we ourselves have scripted.

All the feedback we need to clean our infection

is constantly feeding back and available to us.

All we need do is be still and see

what we have shaped and formed

and incorporated into our inner identity.

Our thoughts and beliefs,

especially those running in our depths,

form the blind spots where we allow fear

to lead us astray.

We have courage, compassion and love at our disposal,

these things we learn to actively engage

to return to ourselves the orphaned and abandoned

vital life force

covered over by our fear,

awaiting the ripening of conviction and

readiness to reclaim.

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© 2010 Howard McQueen

Version 1.2 | June 20, 2010

I am the one who is loving you,

and you sometimes bring me your blame and anger.

I am the one opened and fully vulnerable to you,

and you sometimes feel trapped, controlled and persecuted.

I am the one willing,

yea, constantly delighted

to pick myself up

again and again,

and show you

this pain you bring into our relationship.

Every moment is precious.

Life is tenuous.

Our time together is indeed limited.

My wish and blessing for you is to get on with cleaning up your inner anxieties,

to join me, consistently, wholly, in body, mind and spirit.

in this loving festival of possibilities,

while we still enjoy the grace of being alive, together.

Please, my darling,

lay down your distress,

bring forth the fullness of your peaceful, loving kindness,

and walk this earth with me.

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© 2010 Howard McQueen

So, you say you’re not a member of alcoholics anonymous,

that you’ve read and studied the ancient spiritual practices.

However, when the rubber meets the road,

you continually allow yourself to be hijacked,

snatched away from living and loving what is in the present.

Yes, I know.

You can cite a whole network,

a loose federation of folks

also plagued with similar addictions,

seemingly struggling with their inner pressures,

their inability to be at peace and present in the world.

Perhaps its time to let go

of these clingings to the academic spiritual practices,

identifying with all the other walking wounded

and face your spiritual bankruptcy,

and just do the work to clean out and restart

your corrupted and propped up operating system.

Just get it done.

Do it now.

Exercise your muscles.

Let go of the dramatic attempts to suck in others

Into your past that only you can let go of.

Let it come to rest in your past

Let that experience of old

no longer continue to disrupt

the radiant presence

of living and loving yourself,

and others,

in this most precious of now.

Get intimate,

uncover the courage to live in love.

Be in direct communion with choosing to practice love.

Let love rule every aspect of your life.

Phooey on all your stories of belonging to the walking wounded!

They no longer serve you.

See now how you can honor and appreciate this gift of living in the mystery.

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(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

The impatience and irrational nature of anger,
the boiling over and loss of control,
the venting of discomfort into the outer world.
Safety and love, short circuited.

We till these weeds in our inner garden,
sometimes feeling like we border
on the encroaching kudzu forest.
The tendrils have spread,
obscuring their source.

And yet, each time anger erupts
what is offered to us is the ever-ripening opportunity
to be with and recognize what we most fear,
what we most run away from,
that which triggers us to inflate the inherited angry balloon,
that which covers and smothers our innocence.

Be still in the midst of your inner storms,
be witness to the inner confusion and disruption
once held in the child's loss of innocence.
It is in this space we will reclaim
everything obscured,
everything thought lost;
all connections ultimately lead back
to the source of our abundance.
Life utterly surrounds and percolates through us.

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(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

This present moment,
this integration point;
the coalescing of possibilities.
Limitless freedom to choose,
responsibly as well as unconsciously.

Consciousness flows,
Unbound and unfettered
from the yet to be imagined
into the realized and manifested.

Breathing in the multitude of sensations,
the mind wanders and meanders,
stepping into busy intersections,
dimly lit alleys,
where the fear in man breeds,
where the mind may
feed on anxiety, panic.
Where the urgency to breath out,
to expel its disturbances
is born.

Friend, for this of all journeys,
remember to take your lantern,
to fill its reserves with the fuel of illumination,
to kindle your courage to fuel the steadfastness of compassion.

These phantom demons of the mind
protect and defend their turf.
They siphon off our very own life force,
sourced from the abundant fountain
where love flows,
uninterrupted and unimpaired.

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© 2010 Howard McQueen

Stop – Drop – Roll!

The emergency procedure,

should you find yourself,

or someone else,

on fire.

Starve the flame,

lest it consume you.

When we become inflamed with anxiety,

When our pain body is activated,

We are emotionally on fire.

Stop – Drop – Turn it around!

The pain body arises and seats itself

in such subtle ways.

First signs can be:

-a slight discomfort

-a small judgment

-a buying into some dissatisfaction with our present
moment experience

Once activated,

once handed over our controls,

good ol' pain body is free,

to access old pain patterns,

engage our reptilian


do or die

survival programming.

As the pain body takes over our reins,

our inner sense of time becomes distorted

and many other mental-emotional reserves are rechanneled.

In as little as three seconds,

our pain body has loaded up,

and is running its own

manufactured matrix,

a complex fiction,

a virtual reality,

stimulated now by our own blood chemistry cocktail.

And, we are living,



caught up in acting out

the pain body’s contrived

drama and fiction.

Those first few seconds

We literally have but those first few seconds

to bring our awareness to bear,

lest we become completely ensnared.

At the very first signs of resisting what is



-Turn it Around


Literally, stop everything.

Stop talking, stop walking, stop thinking.

Breathe deeply.


I literally immediately sit on the ground.

I want connection to mother earth, to be grounded

This constraining is meant to assist me with containment,

So that I can observe and be witness to the pain body.

Turn It Around

Become aware of what is arising within you. If you are with a friend or partner, have them already clued into knowing that you are purposefully constraining yourself and what your goals are.

Feel into the belly of the anxiety.

The Sufis call this eating your demons.

I would suggest you gently become acquainted with these demons, over a series of meetings. Consider taking the approach that you will leave bread crumbs back to this inner place of anxiety. Imagine lighting a candle and making the pledge that you will return, frequently, to check on the candle and re-light it.

In my own journey navigating through the inner quantum disturbances authored by my pain body, my focus has turned to bringing awareness to the earliest signs that the pain body is preparing to bloom. What I am just beginning to experiment with is the art of becoming responsive to “first contact”, else the pain body has already unfolded its sails and I find myself recovering at the end of its journey – and having to bring forgiveness and compassion to cleanup the suffering left from its wake.

Always pleased to hear from others and their experiences –

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Version 1.2; June 9, 2010

© 2010 Howard McQueen

We are life,

living at the thresholds,

right in the seams of the mystery.

What we imagine, we experience.

What is real, we often skip over.

Held within the personal me

are the clenchings,

the trapped disturbances,

that we form the

tissue-of-self to surround.

We are children of life,

thinking we are seeking

some mastery,

some way to escape what we’ve trapped,

so often feeling and acting,

as if completely surrounded by our clenchings.

Open up, all the way up.

Allow what is the personal of you

to be completely,

and utterly,


This is our practice - again and yet again,

till time itself seems to fall apart. .

Do this for your life,

for all of life - now,

while the spark and courage

will serve as kindle,

will readily ignite.

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Version 2.3 | 2010.06.04
© 2010 Howard McQueen

Our spoken word,
our way of expressing
our in-the-moment,
inner states.

Our spoken word
our energetic signature,
our inner psychic portrait,
reflected outwards into the external world.

As we become increasingly aware of how our words-as-thoughts land on others, we have the opportunity to assemble an adept understanding of our personally held beliefs. We gain the opportunity to see what is actively running within our own operating system.

When our psychic portrait is laden with the toxins of fear, anger and grief, we can bear witness to how we tune to and radiate these toxic frequencies, and how these impact and affect others.

As our awareness of suffering conveyed through our spoken word deepens, we begin to discover and experiment with methodologies that enable us to clean-up our tainted-with-toxin energy exchanges.

One approach that can be helpful to begin shifting our awareness so we can take responsibility for cleaning up our expressed toxins is the “do over”.

A do over is essentially a second opportunity to restate, and fully clean up the intent of the prior words spoken. An effective do over ensures that the new words convey a clear, clean purity and communicate heart-felt intent.

An example do over
The other night, Emory (my partner and wife) was working late on our shared laptop. We were both a bit tired. As she was finishing up her work on our laptop, she inquired if I wanted her to do anything. I immediately responded with the following words

You do remember how to do this! (said with a tinge of frustration and condescension, and under the assumption that she was needing a refresher in how to properly shut down the laptop).

Emory immediately picks up on the tinged emotions and starts to tell me that what I said carried the feeling that I was depreciating her, that I was communicating that she was dumb, not capable.

As I sat with her words (spoken in honesty), I felt the truth in her words and this opened me to revisiting my words. Revisiting these words put me into an intimate connection with my psychic portrait at the time of speaking them. What I uncovered, still running in my operating system, was a deep groove of frustration around an obligation to support a previous partner with what, at the time, felt like a burden of support around them being effective with their own computer.

The do-over I offered Emory

Emory, thank you and I am also finished with the laptop this evening. By all means, please go ahead and shut er’ down for the night.

I spoke these words from a generous, connected-to-Emory place in my heart. There was a gusto and appreciation conveyed in the do over.

Emory’s countenance immediately changed and we went off to bed feeling connected rather than separated. The next morning she revisited the do over again, and said that it was so clean and compelling that it completely dissolved the toxins carried in my initial exchange to her.

Do over’s are [often] much more effective and powerful than apologies.
An apology acknowledges that what was said (or done) could have been hurtful or carry words that attempted to depreciate another. Apologies do not necessarily build the muscles of learning to cleanup one’s words by taking responsibility to restate (and demonstrate) your highest intent.

I’ve been in situations where, after receiving a series of apologies from another person, the effectiveness of the apology seems to erode. This may sometimes be an indication that one party in the relationship is stuck and unable to break free of a habitual pattern, and thus unable to begin to construct a do-over.

I’ve experienced the magic of healing both giving and receiving do overs. Its best not to rush a person when they are feeling into the space within themselves to usher in their heart-felt intent. We need to be aware that in navigating our inner spaces we encounter darkness and confusion, especially around emotionally charged issues where we have been tainted by the fear, anger and grief of others.

In summary
An effective do over contains words that spring from the heart – making the intent uplifting and based in spirit and connection. We cannot take back our words spoken, however, we can take responsibility and clean up our toxic exchanges. The do over offers up the opportunity to come into contact with our own inner medicine and build the muscle to create our own antidote for our own dis-eases.

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