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A Nod of Appreciation to our Maestro

© 2009 Howard McQueenWe are blessed when we meet someone who gives us clean, unambiguous pointers to living life fullyThis ability to point someone to their essence becomes a talent that may arise in us.I gave my teacher the nickname “Maestro”.He has quickened within me, the orchestrator, the symphony conductor of life energy.The Maestro is so full of love, our circle of presence calls forth this viral, radical Love.I sense my inner Maestro arising, clearing out old circuits that bled off energy,Organic diagnostics awaken to test and scrutinize the infrastructure programs.My infrastructure programming is undergoing major rewrites,a dynamic revision process set into motionto re-imagine the radically altered human operating system.There are reasons we humans have uncovered the gifts of quantum physics,of the double helix structure of our DNA,of the silicon-based digital operating systems that are already virally connecting us.These reasons will become clearer to us as we inwardly use these gifts to encourage our consciousness to behold the interconnectedness and interdependencies of energy and matter.We begin to consciously experiment individually and in groups to shape responses to life through intent and our gift of languaging our intents so we can move into intimacy.
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© 2009 Howard McQueenA whisper of an invitation can be heard “come fall into a love”so deepso sweetso innocentyou will live again as the innocence of your child,filled with wonder at belonging to this worldconnected to everything that your heart can imagine.What you will experience will astound you.You will discover a root of the human condition,a perceived belief that love is absent.You will see human beings believing and practicing scarcity of Love,against the backdrop of the ever present, infinite energy of Love held and sustained in Creation.You will find unparalleled Joy in your alonenessMatched only by the Joy in fellowship with others,Especially those opening to being in LoveThe gardens need tending toThe gardeners need guidance and pointersThe soil of the soul calls out for compostingThis is the humble work, when done in the fellowship of a love-based community,Bears the fruits of Heaven, on this earth.You will find me wandering the gardensI am many faces,you will remember and recognize me.Together, we will all fall in Love.---------------------------------------------------We weep these tears of joy to celebrate our liberating love. These tears we catch to water the gardens. They contain an essential purity and necessary quality for cultivating Love.***
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© 2009 Howard McQueenGood morning [nameless essence],I love you, as you are, the whole work-in-process package.It is really something to behold one self (or any self, or all our selves). Everything we think we know, and that we intuit and even everything we glean from direct experience, are but tiny rocks and chunks of gold, that hint at the expression of the precious facets, the embodiment of life into the human form.It is what we make of humans practicing spirit and spirit practicing at being in human form.Life is such a mystery and death awaits us, constantly, often not so secretly trying to seduce us.And then, there is love, ever-present, very shy, not-a-seductress and only a weak gravity pull in the mind.Fortunately, we have the Heart, else we could never forgive or heal ourselves of the real traumas of fear and injustice that sweep through humanity's mind.And, we have the ability to rest in the blessings of Heart, with all of our being, and to let go, let life be.I am finding that it is even much simpler than all this, but I've not yet found the words. Perhaps there are only pointers, signs, hidden everywhere, in everything, just waiting for us to notice ;-) .Perhaps even this humble message from a fool of life carries a signal that others will find sustenance from in this radically changing world that we and our lineage of ancestors have manifested.The signal of Love is becoming strong in my life. Most everything else I've believed in has been mostly distraction, or defense, or ...Pass along my best, until our next kiss.****A tribute to my current teacher - MR, for illuminating THE FRIENDEnhanced by my spiritual playmate(s) - KC & CA
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Dear friends... I am looking for a home to rent with lots of light and open floor plan with spacious rooms in or around the Asheville area. I am open to going as far as Waynesville or Black Mountain. I adore living in Asheville but have a spiritual community in Waynesville, and LOVE the Light Center in Black Mountain.I need space for myself, my youngest daughter, when she is home from college, a meditation/healing/music room, and in a peaceful, private setting where I can create a beautiful healing oasis for myself and my clients..I would like to find something under $1000 a month, but would consider higher for the right place. It is important that I am in a location that is easy for my clients to find, and I would love to have a garden tub or large tub/jacuzzi combination. Being near water (stream/lake/waterfall) is nourishing to me, and a beautiful view of the mountains would be delightful!If you know of such a place available now or by the beginning of September, please let me know at 828 777 6688, or at, love and light... Spiritsong
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© 2009 Howard McQueenWhat is this thing called conditional love?Does it compel us toward or draw us away from UNconditional love?Oh!As in “I will love you if YOU…”• change yourself (for me)• drop your addictions (for me)• believe what I believe• drop being so critical• open up to life• make my life smoother• help heal our relationship gone astray (so I won't have to do all the work - poor me)• make better grades in school (so I will know I am a “successful” parent, or …)and so on ...Well now, if I am practicing this conditional love,It seems to me that I am engaged in1) manipulating someone else using and abusing the name of loveAnd/or2) dishonoring my own integrity by not being true to love of selfHmmmmmm. More weeds that I am needing to tend to!Welcome to the work of tending to the fertile garden, nourished by your soul.You as gardener are also steward and this is your landscape, the fruits and/or neglect of which you manifest into the outer world.Your Inner Housekeeping - Yes.Your work of UpRooting - For sure.This is the work set aside for us to under-take.~ .. ~Now that I am aware of this conditional love, I cease and desist, I stop – Cold Turkey!I step into my internal integrity, without blame or shame, and without hiding out, re-engage and more fully receive my own love and respect for self and Self, then reaffirm this in my relationship and actions and intent with all life, all forms of life and all energies of life.A blessing may help in receiving and keeping this promise and agreement close to my/your/our vest.Know at your innermost and cellular level that you are THE precious Child of Creation. You are unconditionally loved before your conception, you are unconditionally loved throughout your stay on this earth (as you encounter the full spectrum of current human conditions), AND you will are welcomed back into unconditional love at your death. This Love is outside of time and space and is Omnipotent as well as Unconditional. Know this, accept this, be changed by this. Let this be your only clothing. Go forth and love life and live the prophecy that will cultivate your love of life with your community, and share this message for those desiring to be re-imagined anew.. Be not afraid to risk it all, for what may emerge is astounding, and only a hint, just a taste of the rapture.*****Conditional love: Sequel© 2009 Howard McQueenWaves of reconnection to being true to myself continue to wash over me, allowing me to see conflict – witness it from within, feel into it, and know it as judgment, aka resistance-to-life, aka conditions that obscure and distort love.I release all multi-dimensional attachments to this conditional love,and unconditionally open to healing from withinAnd allow my integrity to spread outward to my relationships with all of life.Were I to put on the garb of the labels of being religious or spiritual,I would in this moment request baptism.I would in this moment enlist in SeminaryI would in this moment join a wandering Buddhist troupe.These are all well established paths, most leading to a life well lived.In this moment, I choose to step off all paths,to live the unique and radical life.In this moment, I give my life to that which is radical, exemplified in the spirit of fiercely loving life and defending life, in the name of all the true named and nameless mystics-prophets, past, present and future.I stand in awe of life, humbledwith laugher bubbling up quite oftenAt the delusionAnd the follyof what I once drank fromthinking it would open my heart, nourish my soul.Rooting out this ignorance and fear, this is joyful.Know that there has been much to let go.I am a simpler, humble foolI’ve stumbled upon the obscured artifact, “letting life be”, in my remembering to be free of judgment.I am seeing and sensing a more profound unity in everything, even amidst all the surface stress.I join the ranks of many others holding the Space, holding the Signal, for unconditional love to flourish.… Yipes … & …………. Yippee!***
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The Wisdom In Silence

© 2009 Howard McQueenAll life arises out of the sacredness and pregnancy of Silence.Constant chattering breaks the silence, clutters up the purity.In many ways, you harm yourself by dwelling on the surface layer, constantly reporting and regurgitating your surface feelings and impressions.The parade of images is like the weather, not under your control and ever-changing -- so step back from this pre-occupation with verbally validating your external fascination and agitation.These things are best left alone, not dwelled upon and amplified.Left alone, perhaps, you can take on the practice of quieting your mind.Be still, rest in the silence and concentrate your awareness.Cultivate the great universal depth where the quality of vitality is not boastful, not prone to broadcast, not adolescent in its need to constantly plead “look at me”.MMMMMMmmmmmm.Take delight in the Silence. It is always accessible, ever-present and ever-nourishing.It is your refuge and port of call, during the storms inevitably to call.Invite in, welcome and invoke the blessings of this Silence in the privacy and intimacy of your inner Home.
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Immersion in the Flow

© 2009 Howard McQueenTo take a delight in life'smixed bag of experiencesLet life choose to sculpt and shapeyou into your true natureThis is surrenderto the greatest Force.Bye, bye ego,Aloha
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No Longer Separate or Alone

Howard McQueen; (C) 2009Letting go of everythingheld personaland stepping into freedomThe invitationThe invocationReside in the embrace with your Beloved Anam Cara [1].You have come homeNo longer separate or alone[1] The Celtic Mysticism of Anam Cara A Book of Celtic Wisdom, brings alive an inner soul-friend within each of us. My own evolving interpretation of the Anam Cara this is that this energetic entity is imprinted into our being, always available, always accessible. Sri Aurobindo also brings light to the illumination of an infrastructure Self in the book, Growing Within, The Psychology of Inner Development, as does the Intoxicating and Forbidden Love poetry of Rumi.
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