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Writing from the Anahata community, Floyd, Virginia

At the conclusion of Summer Evolution Camp.

(c) 2010 Howard McQueen | Version 2.2 8/31/2010

There are places on this earth

fully ripened,

ready for your initiation into inter-connectedness,

ready for you to claim and co-exist with as your HOME.

Gracing and extending your connections beyond the domain and dominion of humans,

the vast natural world is ready to interface and be a lover's embrace.

The invitation is to open to and be infected by all manner of mysterious phenomena,

emerging from and being organically nourished by the Goddess Mother - Gaia.


The first fall leaves float by on the river, infiltrating and embracing my earth suit.

I am buoyed as well as immersed in this liquid life-giving force,

flowing and caressing the everything that is me.

As I focus my attention on listening,

way back up the hill, the chicken run erupts as a hen loudly cackles,

boastings of her laying let another magnificent egg.

My focus shifts back to visual,

to the river’s flowing surface, where,

in the reflected early morning light

water bugs glide, rapidly darting about,

doing their living rhythms.

From my more macro perspective,

their rhythms express a coordination of play.

I sense they are also inscribing and visibly expressing a language,

appearing if but for an instant, on the rivers surface.

Yes, this defies all rational understanding and yet, intuitively,

I smile and am warmed inside by the insidious play and pleasure

knowing this is how nature plays out her rhythms with all forms:

Invisible forces flow into and animate form,

for the sheer joy,

for some vaster, symbiotic, symphonic interplay.

Morning sunlight filters through the forest canopy,

revealing and illuminating the hued colors of the pebbled riverbed.

Rapids downstream echo their frothy spill.

Crickets in trees play their percussive electronic washboard sounds.

Something upstream breaks the rivers surface with a plopping sound.

Memory from last nights cacophony surfaces, with the primal screams and screeches

as two raccoons squared off to fight over the bucket of dinner scraps yet to make it into the compost.

The sweat lodge,

the picnic table,

leaves in slow motion floating down from the sky.

The shimmering of a few select trees moved by an invisible wind

in the midst of complete stillness of neighboring trees.

Ahhhhh, this page is itself curls up, levitated by the winds visitation.

A plastic childrens bath tub, imprinted with Donald Duck underwater in swim goggles;

A white plastic chair,

a white bucket,

two blue kyaks,

a blue laundry basket.

We humans, inhabiting this land with our human-manufactured possessions.

A forest green tarp strung between trees, the tarp's top speckled with spent, dried leaves.

Near vertical support poles, cut from trees, staked into the ground and tied with twine.

Nested under the tarp a woven multi-colored hammock, currently spun tightly closed,

inviting someone to enter and seek the restorative vitality of cocoon. It too is tied to two other trees.

This natural tarp-hammock honors and graces the land, bringing such a sense of

relaxed and sacred harmony.

As I start walking toward the sweat lodge,

A blue butterfly and dragon fly appear to grace my path.

A variety of butterfly cavort over the ashes in the firepit.

There is the circular ring of stones, a big glass cider jug of water

marking due East.

A small shrine just outside the sweat lodge entrance hosts a variety of artifacts:

part of a jaw bone;


smudge bundle;

a black snake replica,



Tibetan coins,

lambs ear, zinnia and other air-drying flower heads.

Back up near the main house,

just off the circular drive,

my eye again finds the slightly worn path.

I step off the gravel into light brush,

Passing a small tractor attachment half covered over with thistle.

I step, viscerally, into enchantment.

Grey brown trunks of naked white pines, easily seventy feet high, surround me.

Down the sloping hill, beyond the fall of the land,

is a lush, verdant narrowing valley, bounded by the serpentine river.

Here the land is hosting a small tent community, a primitive kitchen and,

part way up the hill, on the left, earthen toilets. .

I am imagining a two story tree house resting in this space,

built around and encompassing several key foundational pines.


What a residence.

What a contribution to the larger sense of the land itself as my/our interim,

gypsy-symbiotic home.

I notice a bee-as-emissary investigating my presence.

After gently waving it to create space, I notice it stays in perfect unison with my waves.

This is the dance of first contact. I stop waving now, knowing we have synchronized intentions.

The bee now advances, landing directly on this page of paper I am inscribing.

It makes tactile connection with several words I have just written, seemingly taking a
sample, somehow extracting the wholeness of message from its extraction.

I imagine this message being relayed to everything the bee interacts with, this message

permeating and percolating till it rejoins the hive, which initiates a widespread distribution.

For me, this is an exchanged blessing for a human expressing the intent to be in peacefully

co-existence with all of nature.

The thirty second walk back up the circular drive

opens to a lofted greenhouse and the large modern home.

A wooden vine trellis has been trained in the shape of a heart

graces the front entrance to the house.

Across from the house is a shop with a second story loft. Along the roof line are solar panels supplying the energy needs of the main house.

I resonate with all of this and breath in, slowly and deeply,

then silently mouth the blessing “Welcome Home, loved ones”.

There is an infinity of presence awaiting us, as we surrender our contrived equities and identities and release and relax into these moments with nature ...

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Version 2.0 | 8/29/2010
(C) 2010 Howard McQueen
Feeling our place and claiming our right to be at-ease,
being exposed and exposing ourselves to the forces
and ever-changing forms cycling through the
rhythms of birth, life and death.
Remembering and continually rekindling a center in self
AND opening self to the vulnerability,
the porous and permeable connections to life's many forms.
Remaining present while in the deep gravity well of others
not centered in self.
Holding the space for not having or needing to fix anything.
Allowing and encouraging surrendering and shedding of the protective armors
built around self.
Being a bright, reflective listener and mirror,
being one who encourages the recognition and awakening to truth.
Facilitating others to feel heard and seen,
facilitating others to learn to contain their aggressive tendencies
their shyness and reluctance to back away, collapse and retreat into hiding.
When I feel a need to say "be quiet",
let me share the intent of requesting space for serenity.
Let my energies of request not morph into demand,
nor allow me to shrink or hide in the cold cess pool of resentment.
This continuous balancing act of honoring self and Self,
what a dynamic opportunity to become fully alive
and feel our interconnectedness with all living things.
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Writing from Floyd, Virginia
Cultural Evolution 2010 Summer Camp to begin this Friday evening

(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

I am exploring intimacy with my partner Emory,
now having experienced what is a
two hundred day honeymoon with her.

Just like one, two can settle into routines,
sometimes ruts that constrain our vision,
our potential to connect to the vitality of Wholeness.

We are exploring social intimacy with others,
to put ourselves on the edge
to risk the discomforts of myriad social inter-courses,
and penetrate the shared discomforts covering over intimacy.

Intentional community is a way of living and learning to love,
to establish a commitment to being with others
through thick and thin.
It is a honeymoon with we-ness
social experimentation
an evolution in culture
an invitation to hold hands
and, with hands-on implementation,
enter process to become increasingly transparent
with whatever is bubbling up in our respective operating systems.

Cultural evolution is best done with strong and effective cultural and personal change facilitation. There are many exercises and tools that are available to assist individuals and groups navigate into the field(s) of group intimacy.

Many blessings to all of you engaged with personal growth and navigating the rapids and rewards of living and loving an extended community of our fellow human beings. We recently attended the 2010 Intentional Community's Conference, held at Twin Oaks (just outside Charlottesville, Va.).

I would be interested in hearing from you about any communities and experiences you have participated (or plan to participate in).


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WORDS ARE WINDOWS (or They're Walls)

An opening Poem from "NonViolent Communication,
By Marshall Rosenberg

This poem written by Ruth Bebermeyer

I feel so sentenced by your words,
I feel so judged and sent away,
Before I go I've got to know,
Is that what you mean to say?

Before I rise to my defense,
Before I speak in hurt or fear,
Before I build that wall of words,
Tell me, did I really hear?

Words are windows, or they're walls,
They sentence us, or set us free.
When I speak and when I hear,
Let the love light shine through me.

There are things I need to say,
That that mean so much to me,
If my words don't make me clear,
Will you help me to be free?

If I seemed to put you down,
If you felt I didn't care,
Try to listen through my words,
To the feelings that we share.

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The New Paradigm

The Divine is all around us, in us, and has always been Here, Now. It is not an energy or a mechanism. It is the Source of energy and mechanisms. We are in a new paradigm where there is no longer a master high above on a stage with the "students" sitting below wondering how many lifetimes until they become perfectly enlightened.

The new paradigm is friend-to-friend. The divine joke is that the unsatisfied ego condition wants to be "enlightened" because ego assumes it will then be satisfied and live a perfect life story. But in order to be Awake as the Impersonal Self, the separate egoic identity must take a seat in the back of the bus. The more ego stays back out of the forefront, and the farther back it sits in the bus, the deeper the Wakeness is at the forefront, allowing the bus to be driven "on it's own", and real happiness shines through the mortal coil the ego used to run.

Master's point to Beingness. That is a worthy role. But I think it is not helpful to put a teacher up on too high a pedestal because it tends to prevent others from claiming the Wakefullness that is their True Nature. Always Here, Now. Let us claim our True Nature Now, by being in this moment, not the past or future. Just Be Here Now. Hum, I notice the body is breathing on it's own. I notice into the belly, feeling sensations. I notice into the bottoms of the feet feeling sensations. I breathe. I rest in the breath, and the Gap inbetween breaths, rather than the mind. I Am Here, Now.
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