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From "The Gift"
By Hafiz, interpreted by Daniel Ladinsky
Tired of Speaking Sweetly
Love wants to reach out and manhandle us,
 break all our teacup talk of God.
If you had the courage and
 could give the Beloved His choice, some nights,
 he would just drag you around the room
 by your hair,
 ripping from your grip all those toys in the world
 that bring you no Joy.
Love sometimes gets tired of speaking sweetly
 and wants to rip to shreds
 all your erroneous notions of truth
 that make you fight within yourself, dear one,
 and with Others,
 causing the world to weep
 on too many fine days.
God wants to manhandle us,
 lock us inside of a tiny room with Himself
 and practice his dropkick.
The Beloved sometimes wants
 to do us a great favor:
 Hold us upside down
 and shake all the nonsense out.
But when we hear
 he is in such a "playful and drunken mood"
 most everyone I know
 quickly packs their bags and hightails it
 out of town.
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(C) 2011 Howard McQueen


Knowledge is but an interpretation, an opinion,

 at most, a work-in-process hypothesis.

Knowledge can be bent, stretched and manipulated

 in the service of influencing, persuading, judging and enforcing.

There is great pressure to conform and believe in knowledge,

 not questioning its contexts or biases.

The temptation is to satiate oneself as the plate of knowledge is passed around.


In the absence of healthy skepticism, the breeding ground for gullibility, cynicism and conformity becomes fertile.

Our ability to reason and discern what is authentic and vital to our well-being is covered over.

Uncovering and recovering our ability to weed our own garden and till our own soil is to awaken from the numbing anesthesia - and to yank out the intravenous drip-feed of inauthentic, life-draining beliefs carried within knowledge.


So, my friend, how do we begin to discern and recognize wisdom when there is such an abundance of knowledge?


  Glad to enter into a discussion with you. ... 

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Howard McQueen (C) 2011


Choose to be with the truest emotion alive within you.

There is no need to manufacture any reaction to that emotion.

Awaken from the endless sleep-walking dream of reactive disempowerment.


Stay with whatever is real in this framed moment.

Allow the moment to play itself out,

and you will find, within yourself,

the seed from which to be at peace.


We have so little control over what life brings toward us.

There is so much to harvest,

so much to transmute and ferment into a finer wine,

readied to be shared in friendship and harmony.


May we each connect to the courage to encourage,

rather than to judge.

It is through example that we will begin to dis-empower the wheel of suffering.

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Howard McQueen (C) 2011


Survival of self, at any costs

does not make for a noble beast,

nor a heart-felt community,

nor a vital village.


There is this Darwinian, strangle-hold grip we use to ensure the survival of our identity.

It may just be what is holding you and me in our self-imposed sense of separation.


The more we try to protect and defend our identity,

the more intractable and mired we become in the quicksand of "just needing to survive".


Let our practice becomes one measured by our contributions to a larger container,

one inclusive and supportive of peace, solidarity and unity.


May we learn to keep the faith in values greater that personal identity.

We are now the keepers of the Dream.



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Play With Perception Month - Bayou


“That which is seen is the reflection of one’s own consciousness.”

               -Sri Nisargargadatta

September is International PlaY wiTH PErcEption Month and it starts now, right here in Asheville.


What does that mean?   A new interactive art exhibit is happening in the River Arts District that invites you to become an active participant and write on the commentary art panels. As you view the finished paintings you are invited to ask the question:  “What is the first word or emotion that comes to mind?”.  Share your perceptions on the panels.


This is Facebook social commentary come to life.


It means that every day this month a painting will be posted online on Facebook and blog for commentary.  You are invited to play with the art as a mini meditation or self inquiry.


Along with the show there is a video visual meditation using the artwork in the exhibit., This will be premiered at the opening reception and be posted on Facebok and Julie’s website.


Play With Perception Month



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