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© 2010 Howard McQueen
Awareness in retreat,
into the mental un-realness,
seeking safe passage
outside of the here and now.
Our encounters with disturbances
where we experience confusion,
then distortion,
form the black hole
the place where we embrace our fear,
create the persisting infection,
blocking the passing through of what is no more
than a highly charged, energetic experience.
Elaborate defenses we manufacture:
fictions, fantasies and delusional scenarios,
played out over and over,
again and again,
Within the hyper-active,
concave and collapsing
inbreeding mind.
We become stuck in a faulty, repeating loop,
a subroutine of fear
needing the mastery of a program revision.
From this perspective,
our suffering represents the debug error messaging
that we ourselves have scripted.
All the feedback we need to clean our infection
is constantly feeding back and available to us.
All we need do is be still and see
what we have shaped and formed
and incorporated into our inner identity.
Our thoughts and beliefs,
especially those running in our depths,
form the blind spots where we allow fear
to lead us astray.
We have courage, compassion and love at our disposal,
these things we learn to actively engage
to return to ourselves the orphaned and abandoned
vital life force
covered over by our fear,
awaiting the ripening of conviction and
readiness to reclaim.
© 2010 Howard McQueen
Version 1.2 | June 20, 2010
I am the one who is loving you,
and you sometimes bring me your blame and anger.
I am the one opened and fully vulnerable to you,
and you sometimes feel trapped, controlled and persecuted.
I am the one willing,
yea, constantly delighted
to pick myself up
again and again,
and show you
this pain you bring into our relationship.
Every moment is precious.
Life is tenuous.
Our time together is indeed limited.
My wish and blessing for you is to get on with cleaning up your inner anxieties,
to join me, consistently, wholly, in body, mind and spirit.
in this loving festival of possibilities,
while we still enjoy the grace of being alive, together.
Please, my darling,
lay down your distress,
bring forth the fullness of your peaceful, loving kindness,
and walk this earth with me.
© 2010 Howard McQueen
So, you say you’re not a member of alcoholics anonymous,
that you’ve read and studied the ancient spiritual practices.
However, when the rubber meets the road,
you continually allow yourself to be hijacked,
snatched away from living and loving what is in the present.
Yes, I know.
You can cite a whole network,
a loose federation of folks
also plagued with similar addictions,
seemingly struggling with their inner pressures,
their inability to be at peace and present in the world.
Perhaps its time to let go
of these clingings to the academic spiritual practices,
identifying with all the other walking wounded
and face your spiritual bankruptcy,
and just do the work to clean out and restart
your corrupted and propped up operating system.
Just get it done.
Do it now.
Exercise your muscles.
Let go of the dramatic attempts to suck in others
Into your past that only you can let go of.
Let it come to rest in your past
Let that experience of old
no longer continue to disrupt
the radiant presence
of living and loving yourself,
and others,
in this most precious of now.
Get intimate,
uncover the courage to live in love.
Be in direct communion with choosing to practice love.
Let love rule every aspect of your life.
Phooey on all your stories of belonging to the walking wounded!
They no longer serve you.
See now how you can honor and appreciate this gift of living in the mystery.
© 2010 Howard McQueen
Stop – Drop – Roll!
The emergency procedure,
should you find yourself,
or someone else,
on fire.
Starve the flame,
lest it consume you.
When we become inflamed with anxiety,
When our pain body is activated,
We are emotionally on fire.
Stop – Drop – Turn it around!
The pain body arises and seats itself
in such subtle ways.
First signs can be:
-a slight discomfort
-a small judgment
-a buying into some dissatisfaction with our present
moment experience
Once activated,
once handed over our controls,
good ol' pain body is free,
to access old pain patterns,
engage our reptilian
do or die
survival programming.
As the pain body takes over our reins,
our inner sense of time becomes distorted
and many other mental-emotional reserves are rechanneled.
In as little as three seconds,
our pain body has loaded up,
and is running its own
manufactured matrix,
a complex fiction,
a virtual reality,
stimulated now by our own blood chemistry cocktail.
And, we are living,
caught up in acting out
the pain body’s contrived
drama and fiction.
We literally have but those first few seconds
to bring our awareness to bear,
lest we become completely ensnared.At the very first signs of resisting what is
-Turn it Around
Literally, stop everything.
Stop talking, stop walking, stop thinking.
Breathe deeply.
I literally immediately sit on the ground.
I want connection to mother earth, to be grounded
This constraining is meant to assist me with containment,
So that I can observe and be witness to the pain body.
Turn It Around
Become aware of what is arising within you. If you are with a friend or partner, have them already clued into knowing that you are purposefully constraining yourself and what your goals are.
Feel into the belly of the anxiety.
The Sufis call this eating your demons.
I would suggest you gently become acquainted with these demons, over a series of meetings. Consider taking the approach that you will leave bread crumbs back to this inner place of anxiety. Imagine lighting a candle and making the pledge that you will return, frequently, to check on the candle and re-light it.
In my own journey navigating through the inner quantum disturbances authored by my pain body, my focus has turned to bringing awareness to the earliest signs that the pain body is preparing to bloom. What I am just beginning to experiment with is the art of becoming responsive to “first contact”, else the pain body has already unfolded its sails and I find myself recovering at the end of its journey – and having to bring forgiveness and compassion to cleanup the suffering left from its wake.
Always pleased to hear from others and their experiences –
Version 1.2; June 9, 2010
© 2010 Howard McQueen
We are life,
living at the thresholds,
right in the seams of the mystery.
What we imagine, we experience.
What is real, we often skip over.
Held within the personal me
are the clenchings,
the trapped disturbances,
that we form the
tissue-of-self to surround.
We are children of life,
thinking we are seeking
some mastery,
some way to escape what we’ve trapped,
so often feeling and acting,
as if completely surrounded by our clenchings.
Open up, all the way up.
Allow what is the personal of you
to be completely,
and utterly,
This is our practice - again and yet again,
till time itself seems to fall apart. .
Do this for your life,
for all of life - now,
while the spark and courage
will serve as kindle,
will readily ignite.
“There is only one perpetrator of evil on the planet: human unconsciousness. That realization is true forgiveness. With forgiveness, your victim identity dissolves, and your true power emerges ~ the power of Presence. Instead of blaming the darkness, you bring in the light.”
~ Eckhart Tolle