Version 2.0 | 05/02/2011
(c) 2011 Howard McQueen
Self organizing,
self deluding,
self destructing,
and sometimes,
self clarifying.
Consciousness churning and mutating,
the relics of a survival-based operating system.
We as a species are running old, corrupted code.
It is up to each of us to reprogram,
to birth new pathways
responsive to a love for self,
knowing that all that is reflected back to us
is but an aspect of self.
Appreciating all the reflections of self
begins to create a love that unifies and heals
and reconnects our head, heart and gut.
There is absolutely no need to change
or to blame
any of the the circumstances as they exist outside of us.
Become at peace within
and struggle no more.
The more environmental pressure bought to bear,
the more stress placed on the inner infrastructure programming,
and thus, calcified and unsustainable beliefs give way
and we learn to make our way
into the uncharted space
where consciousness may incubate
and evolve.
Billions of opportunities,
radical possibilities for this deeper love-infection to gain its hold.